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Author Topic: Cars  (Read 1221 times)
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2009, 01:16:05 pm »
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my fist car was a plymouth horizon.  i swear it had only one cylinder!  how i got a tickkie for going 78mph in a 55 beats the hell out of me  it had only an am radio w/ 1 speaker-that wouldn't do.  whomever was seated in the front seat had to hold my BIG boom box Afro on their lap which was powered by the ciggie lighter.  it was the boogie mobile
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« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2009, 01:24:21 pm »
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I don't care what anyone says....your first car is your first love no matter what it looks like because it represents TRUE FREEEEEEEDOOOOOOMMMMM...
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« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2009, 04:48:33 pm »
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Yah mine looked like hell but I didn't care, it was FREEDOM.
My best friend's dad bought her a vintage mustang that was burgundy
and BEAUTIFUL when she was 16 & she laughed her ass off at
my car when I drove up to school in that Plymouth Fury.  LOL
My parents would never buy any of us a car, we had to work for it
and buy it ourselves or we didn't get one.  I hated it then but I'm so
glad now.  I wish I would have done the same thing for my kids but
it's so hard  to not want to provide that for them.  I remember working
my ass off and going to school to save enough money to buy that 500 dollar
car.  Not only did we have to buy our own but we also had to buy our OWN
insurance policy.  My parents would not put any of us kids on their insurance,
another steadfast rule of the household. 
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« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2009, 01:07:43 pm »
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Don't feel bad for giving your kids cars.

I've had 3 and I paid for none of them. I am delaying getting a 4th for the simple reason, I have 7,000 to go on the home and when that is paid for, I'll get the 4th car.

The point is, I looked after the 3 cars I was given with appreciation. My younger siblings have been given cars that they didn't look after and even the siblings that bought their own, wrecked them.
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Damion Hellstrom
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2009, 10:33:10 am »
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I'm really looking forward to when they come out with flying cars.
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« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2009, 12:50:10 pm »
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Ppl dropping frm the sky.................................. After accidents.
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The war, its nt ovr yet :-(
But I aint a part of it anymore :-)

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« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2009, 06:16:54 pm »
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« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2009, 10:00:47 am »
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Yes, one of my favorite cartoons, The Jetsons.

GF makes a good point.
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« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2009, 09:35:01 am »
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Anyone got a spare 5 million pounds?

Then you can drive a new GH car that runs on sea water.

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« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2009, 09:06:16 am »
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Nw I cant buy that.

I live in a Land Locked Country, so frm where do I get SEA WATER ? ? ?
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The war, its nt ovr yet :-(
But I aint a part of it anymore :-)

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« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2009, 02:25:01 pm »
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Nw I cant buy that.

I live in a Land Locked Country, so frm where do I get SEA WATER ? ? ?

from pumps at a gas station. where else?

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« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2009, 10:29:50 pm »
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I use $40 a month petrol....I know how to drive it and how to make good use of the tracks I travel and organize shopping and bill paying and visiting accordingly! The truck runs on LPG gas...

I've had my 1981 Commodor station wagon since 1985....

I know how to keep a car looked after...

can others say the same?...I doubt it..
thats because you cant afford to upgrade to even a 5 year old car for under $10K

I've had my 1981 Commodor station wagon since 1985....

I know how to keep a car looked after...

can others say the same?...I doubt it..
thats because you cant afford to upgrade to even a 5 year old car for under $10K

No, because I put a red motor in it and have a husband who is a spray painter....

I inherited it off my grandfather when it was 4 yrs old....

any other personal questions you need to know about my life....bank balance, income tax statements....what type of dunny paper I like to use?


Sooner or later I am going to HAVE to get a new car....

it will run on LPG gas or be electric depending on how much I can afford when the time comes..

it won't be black though....it will be white.

Caskur, while a Prius is twice the price of a petrol equivalent (eg:- a Toyota Corolla), I can't see a big demand for them in 2015 or 2020

I am trying to look for a price...I want to know what I am dealing with....

what has put me off getting a new car is they are computerized and most of the people I know, work on old cars...which everyone knows are fairly easy to spot problems and then repair them...that is one problem,....the other problem is theft and public jealousy you've got a new car....hence, you're more likely to be vandalized and have your car keyed...

I do NOT believe in advertising how much money you have with showy cars for those reasons...machanically, my car goes [for now] and costs virtually nothing to run....the 186  holden red motors cannot be bettered....they're one of the greatest motors known to mankind...lol...mine was put in from a Kingswood [ back in 1989 ish and bloody thing is still going strong]....replacing the crapy blue motor which came with the new commodors....

Anyway...I have to think about a new car like I have previously said....I don't plan on ever using public transport and having other people's lice jump on me...

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« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2009, 10:32:29 pm »
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simple I have a two year old car with a 1.6 engine. By technical reality  it is going to be far more efficiant and less poluting than your 24 year old bomb. Most people may have had 5 or so cars in the time that you have had your one, but I can almost guarantee (go on do the arithmatic)  that they have spent less overal less on thier cars than you maintaining one.

its no coincidence that countires like sinapour ban cars more than a cretsin age from thier roads

When you marry a handy man, everything gets maintained, hence, there are no costs. or rather minimal costs....no one can work on YOUR new car as it has to go to specialists....so you lose money there....no one really needs a car in Singa-poor do they? the average Joe Blow doesn't have one and the public transport system probably caters to the need....the fact is, I don't waste money on cars, like buying them and then sending them to repairs shops....when you buy a car as soon as you drive it out the door, it loses 5,000 dollars or so...5,000 dollars buys a **** load of petrol the way I use a car....I respect material possessions. .....My grandfather traded his two Mercedes Benz for it.....I inherited it AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, looked after it like it was gold..which over it's lifetime was worth its weight in gold to me.

If I won 22 million in lotto tomorrow, I'll still drive my commodore until it dies on me and only then will I get a new car....probably two new cars...to me, a car is to get from point A to point B as safely as I can drive it.....you see, cars aren't my **** extension...they are a means to an end only....I make money in safe investments...clueless...I make it, I don't waste it showing off!!!
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