Posts: 8
« on: June 19, 2008, 01:05:10 pm » |
Is God real, or simply a human invention? Is it high time that we, as adults, should stop believing in God, as we have stopped believing in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy etc. Personally I do not, and can never really remember actually believing in God. Even as a child. I always considered the idea of a God as a ridiculous concept. Yet I was terrified not to believe, because most of the adults in my life, including teachers, said people who don't believe go to hell. Forever.
I would really value hearing other people's opinions on the subject. Brutal honesty is welcome (and expected), but be nice!
Swing Voter
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Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
My husband’s grandfather came home from the first world war and said, “There were no Atheists at Gallipoli.”
No one should be afraid of God. When it says “to fear God” it means, to “fear to displease, God.” by breaking his laws that make men prosper.
Every law written by God from the Bible benefits people, NOT hinders people. People are hindered when His laws are broken.
These laws were laid down thousands of years before they even had microscopes to see germs that make people sick and die early. The success of the human race thriving, especially in those early times replied on their obedience to the laws… we have anti-biotics to cure breaking of the laws and they’re becoming useless to super bugs…...
I personally feel that as children, we do believe in God and at the end of our lives we rely on God but the huge gap in between, God is largely ignored. Also, the way religion is practiced, it puts the majority of people off following Him…Hypocrisy amongst the clergy classes is rampant….so, what is the answer? Well, there isn’t one since the idea of a supreme being is personal to individuals, as it should be.
I used to love talking about religion….then I hear the horror stories about what men do to each other and their families and then I feel cheated God hasn’t fixed the planet as promised… long do we have to wait for the promised fixing?
There is more, I talk about it later.
I don't like this subject in the general section.
We need a religion - philosophy board although I don't know who would use it.
What do you think Voltage? Do you want another board or are you happy using this
I'm happy to leave it here for now, Sooth. If we get a lot of interest in the subject we could always sort something else out. caskur wrote: There is more, I talk about it later.
Yeah, I enjoy these discussions too, I'll get involved myself when I get some time, this weekend most likely.
Alrighty, the general section it is, for now.
Is this where I can make a comment?
Will God help me win lottery?
If he does, then I say sure, the fukka is real.
Damion Hellstrom
God probably exists.
Santa isn't real?
God probably exists.
Santa isn't real?
What about the toothfairy? I had fantasies about driling her! Tell me she was real, please!
Damion Hellstrom
In "The Santa Claus 2" and "The Santa Claus 3" the Tooth Fairy was a guy.
In "The Santa Claus 2" and "The Santa Claus 3" the Tooth Fairy was a guy.
What about the wench in Peter Pan, Tinkerbell?
Damion Hellstrom
I remember some illustrated book version of Peter Pan had tinkerbell as some fat guy.
Arch Stanton
Posts: 2
I remember some illustrated book version of Peter Pan had tinkerbell as some fat guy.
Fat guys can't fly, everybody knows that
Damion Hellstrom
This one did.
I remember some illustrated book version of Peter Pan had tinkerbell as some fat guy.
Was that the phase through the 1990's in the issue of stereotyping? I welcome bringing back stereotyping! All the roll changing rolls only confused the confused, more concisely!
Damion Hellstrom
I remember some illustrated book version of Peter Pan had tinkerbell as some fat guy.
Was that the phase through the 1990's in the issue of stereotyping? I welcome bringing back stereotyping! All the roll changing rolls only confused the confused, more concisely! Actually, I think it was some old coloring book my kids had which told the story of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell was depicted as some fat guy with wings instead of the traditional female. Possibly this was not done by Disney, and they changed the image to avoid legal problems.