Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
« on: January 31, 2009, 09:50:38 am » |
This was in last weeks news on TV...
There is a tree in Africa that the blacks chew the leaves. The leaves are narcotics and chewed up by the blacks. Well, these trees grow in my city too, in a very high class suburb called Nedlands. Anyway, the immigrant blacks from Africa have discovered them and gone onto people properties, into their backyards without permission and striped the trees of their leaves.....some of the owners have cut them down but there is still one left on a street verge which is owned by the city counsel and the man whose property that verge is attached to, has real problems with the violence these useless pricks are causing, trying to get their narcotics for the day.....
everyday the blacks roam the streets in this well to do suburb looking for more trees and bringing violence to an otherwise sedate residential area.
African woman work pretty hard over in Africa but the men seem to avoid it and sit around all day, smoking drugs and/or gambling.
This is an old article but it has pictures....and I posted only part of the problem
They're Eating Our Tree!
By Jim Kelly
October 23, 2005
Sunday Times (Perth)
Thieves high on leaves of Perth plant
ARDROSS couple John and Coralie McDavitt love their garden, but it is African raiders who get a real buzz from it.
Their once-lush "khat" tree has been stripped almost bare by thieves hunting for a high.
The exotic plant, catha edulis, is grown in Africa and the Middle East where it is prized for its amphetamine-like stimulant properties.
Some members of Perth's African community are keeping up their traditional use of the tree by harvesting leaves from suburban gardens.
Mr McDavitt noticed his tree was attracting interest about four years ago. African men would knock on his door and politely ask to pick leaves from the 5m tree. Now they appeared unannounced twice a week.
Mrs McDavitt said some of the raiders had hand-drawn maps with directions to their house. The McDavitts have pinned signs on the tree -- even smeared grease on its trunk to stop thieves.
They have pruned lower branches to make scaling the tree difficult.
Mr McDavitt is proud of the garden and wants to keep the tree, but said he would be forced to cut it down if raids continued.
"It has accelerated in the past 18 months to the point where nothing will deter them," he said. "They come in twos or threes and have become aggressive. I was in the garage and heard a clunk and a thud and went out and there were a couple of people up the tree. The noise I heard was a big chaff bag of leaves dropping to the ground.
"If they get to the top again, we will have to cut the tree down."
Khat, like the highly toxic hallucinogenic datura plant, can be legally grown in WA. In countries where it is valued for its drug properties, leaves from the plant are chewed or brewed to make a narcotic tea.
Tim Parker, of Dawson's Garden World in Forrestfield, said he got calls from people wanting to know why leaves were disappearing from their khat trees.
The plant was not sold in Australian nurseries and had not been widely planted in Perth for 50 years, he said.
The trees were usually in established suburbs.
"Where you have these trees, you often get problems," he said. "Owners often cut the trees down to stop the problem."
Read more ...... So what would you do if someone was coming on your property to steal your trees, leaves?
I am very proud to say that the Black people in England are living the English dream. They are what we are..but they eat Chicken all the time 
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
Yeah, but here the people are more docile...
we're not used to the violence that other countries is changing now and they are the ones changing it....
plus our abos can't stand them so there are plenty of problems.