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About Me Birdies from Avant-garde Philosophy 2

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Author Topic: About Me Birdies from Avant-garde Philosophy 2  (Read 896 times)
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« on: January 18, 2009, 02:52:21 pm »
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From: Omnipotent888__ Sent: 12/23/2005 6:07 PM

I got my grandmothers Pink and Grey Gallah in 1998, I'll write out the story give me time, I'm going through a, down memory lane, at the moment. You might like the little stories I have about birds...I always write about our dogs or cats but haven't written much about birds. I just got my Mother-in-laws Cockatiel, she's a yellow one, they are usually grey, the yellow is a variation. She's a house bird but she stuck out in the aviary with the other grey one of mine and the budgies.
My son Kane love birds and cats but just tolerated our dogs, poor Kane.....lol...I think our dogs were too big and boisterous for him. When he went and lived at my Filippino aunts and my uncle's house, she had a Pink and Grey Gallah, [we call them cockies] an old one....another poor thing stuck pernamently in a cage....Kane went up to ask the cockie for a kiss and it bit him on the nose, it was a big bite to....lol....poor Kane....when I went to school and saw him, [we went to the same senior campus in 1993] I said, "Kane... what happened to your nose?" That's when he told me about the cockie biting him...I think after that, the cockie lost his favour.
About 1992, Kurt bought home a blue and grey budgie we called Bubba, it ended up being a girl....Bubba was named after a character in the Dustin Hoffman movie, Accidental Hero....brilliant movie. She was a character alright. A bloody legend.
All large Australian parots are called "cockies" regardless of species. Just so you know.
Some birds do prefer one sex of humans over another. Tis true, I believe it's hair colour to....my budgies don't like my Filippino aunt although she's another bird lover....personally I think it's her dark hair but it maybe because around birds she acts animated herself where around birds, I am more sedate....Birds love you talking to them, all the time....
I had a Port Lincoln Parrot that came to me having escaped and getting lost and he could whistle perfectly almost the whole song of, "Pop Goes the Weasel," He loved men with glasses and grey hair. {Buzzockstubble1 from NTb2 was one such man]  I rang a radio station 6PR late one night, [the Graham Mayberry Show] to see if I could find his owner [grey haired with glasses] and I did btw,... anyway,... I had him for 9 months and he never attacked at all....when the previous owner came in my house, the Port Lincoln ( 28 parrot we call them in WA) Parrot savaged the back of my hand....that really hurt my feelings,  I can tell you, he went berserk when he saw this man and took it out on me....he got away from me for 4 days once but I kept going outside and whistling so he kept in the vicinity and when I put his cage in a tree by day four, he went into it for the seed and I got him back.
He had a passion for carrot sticks and the owner told me it was because at the bottom of the aviary they kept rabbits and guinea pigs so there was always carrot sticks on the bottom of the cage for him to eat. I like to keep birds in cages and they like their cages as long as they can come out and fly around the house, everyday if possible.
At one stage everyone knew I was the bird lady and everyone's, "found," bird ended up with me. Now I want to have a break from them. Birds are very demanding for your attention....true.
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