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What’s discourteous to you?

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Author Topic: What’s discourteous to you?  (Read 368 times)
Swing Voter
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Tortured Artist

« on: January 11, 2009, 12:50:55 pm »
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Here is a story I wrote earlier this year about my life and what was going on in it at the time. It may be out of date but the sentiment is the still the same.


What’s discourteous to you?

I think anyone who’s been following my story, will be proud to know I made a major attempt at practicing something I’ve been trying to cure, and that’s letting people in anytime that takes their fancy. Tonight at 8.30 a neighbour knocked on our door and I refused to answer it. I think Dean would be proud of me for that. Wouldn’t you Dean?

I’m not letting people steal from me anymore and it is likened to theft. Theft of quality time.

I don’t know about some of you but when I was growing up, never did people knock on your door after a certain time and that was 7.30 pm or before 9 am in the morning. After that time, people knocking on the door after 7.30 pm was considered an emergency. I like that notion. The other night this same person knocked on our door at 10.20 and we let him in. This was mainly due to the fact Buzzock was here anyway. The late night raider, as I’ll refer to him, came in and wanted us to change the movie we were watching, how’s that for total ignorance? Thankfully 4 Weddings and a Funeral was to boring for him so after making a derogatory comment about the movie, he left. I wonder how many people here do that? How many people here would knock on someone’s door at 10.20 pm, interrupt a movie the neighbour was watching and then leave after 10 minutes disgruntled their wish of a channel change had not been granted?

I guess people like doctors and electricians and plumbers perhaps get after hour calls and their poor wives have to endure that their whole lives but we aren’t any of those trades or that profession and don’t get paid for interruptions. Now, if we got paid to be interrupted perhaps that would be a different story….lol

I should do a thread on what’s discourteous to you. Hmm, Dean, that could be your next article. What’s discourteous to you/me/all? Maybe, people licking a knife, yikes…maybe people coming unexpectedly at dinner time, definitely the most discourteous of all. Another social no, no, people who do not live in your house, going to your refrigerator, yep, that’s a biggy and it’s funny how all our Mediterranean friends do, why’s that??? A cultural thing perchance or just that they are discourteous?

Another discourteous problem is isp, frankly they suck and mine sucks the most. While trying to post this topic they went down. Most people I’ve noticed aren’t complaining about their isp. Here I am in a town where life stops at 12 0’clock and internet service providers turn into pumpkins. I’m still waiting and it’s been an hour.

There is a plus to this aggravation and that’s time to write my own material and not have to read the rantings of brain-dead posters at other groups. (lol…. a case in point, the colosseum). Star attractions are Michelson Morley or caskur/PerfectScents, ie DEAN and I, we’re more important than the Iraq war it seems. The Colosseum, now there’s a group with vulgarity on their minds. All hiding behind made up nicks and we all know who they really are, the same twitchy group behind most unpleasantness over the boards. As my friend Maria would say, “God will punish them” oh if only that were true…..hehe…..sigh. I might put in a request for God to zap the isp server or M$N while he’s at it to…lol

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Swing Voter
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Tortured Artist

« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2009, 12:56:15 pm »
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From: batNitchka™ Sent: 7/10/2005 10:38 PM

I find vulgar language in public very discourteous.
Loud music late at night.
People that call before 8am or after 9pm.   The phone ringing in between those hours always sets my heart at a frantic pace thinking it's a family emergency.
People stealing the parking spot I've been patiently waiting for.
There are more, but I'll start with those.

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From: Omnipotent888__ Sent: 7/10/2005 11:19 PM

I will have to update that because since last February, visitors are banned from my house. I've let my sisters here and mum, and one neighbour (the botanist). I only want people at my place with brains and decorum.  I think I am definitely becoming a snob in my middle age.

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From: Wisdom_comes_from_within Sent: 8/10/2005 10:41 AM

People that call (whether on the phone or in person) after 9 PM and before 9 AM.
People that try to shove a belief down your throat, without even tolerating the mere possibility of a different view.
People who receieve a service and refuse to say thank you or please.
People who walk straight ahead when you greet them with a "good morning", or a "Have a nice day".

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From: batNitchka™ Sent: 13/10/2005 6:57 AM

Being ignored.   Especially when I've spoken loudly.

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From: Omnipotent888__ Sent: 13/10/2005 7:07 AM

How about living with a man who "never" answers a direct question, never!!!
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« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2009, 11:33:28 pm »
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Well, once I had a boyfriend who went to VA tech
for a very long time.  He lived off campus but some
of his buddies lived in the dorms.  We were staying at
one of his buddies dorms & while I was sleeping or in
the shower or something one of his friends stole my
bra and panties & later I found out they were STILL
hanging in his dorm room months later.  I find that extremely

As for more commonplace instances...UMMMMM....people
who drive slow in the left lane on a highway & KNOW that
you want to pass but they play road  games.

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