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What is Wrong With Being a Troll?

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Author Topic: What is Wrong With Being a Troll?  (Read 380 times)
Swing Voter
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« on: January 10, 2009, 01:06:18 pm »
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What is wrong with being a troll, I’ve always wondered? A troll is the Gladiator of news groups and like the Roman Gladiators of the old Roman Empire they will fight you to the death. The death of the innocent M$N group user. Now if these users survive the onslaught of the various trolls, they can take comfort in that great feat alone. A victory over the initiation period of being a, “newbie” is a triumph and this follows the next question; how do I identify trolls and their behaviour and cease from becoming a victim?

Newbies need to learn from trolls and learn very fast and very well. Although there is no shame with a newbie losing their cyber-virginity to a troll, it is a very painful experience and the pain lasts longer than anything losing your physical virginity can be.

A newbie can and does unwittingly mention the serious crime of being Christian, a definite no, no, at news groups. Once you expose this telltale sign about you, you become a sitting duck. [Quack, quack].  How this is done is, it makes a troll automatically suspect you of being a, paedophile, if you declare yourself Christian. Never back it up by saying you once worked for the CIA, even when this is true, they’ll never let you get away with it or believe it.

When a newbie starts to write anything, be careful to never tell the truth. Records are kept on Christian newbies and every little detail adds up until they have a whole profile on you, you didn’t even know they were collecting in the first place. Having innocently revealled a few personal details over a period of time as is the custom of normally behaved and respectful people to share some, this is a huge mistake. If you do, you will come to resent the next year of group participation and cursing the fact you were brought up a truth teller. Lies have their place and cyber-space is one of them. You’re laughing at me now and thinking this is easy, this lying, don’t you? You’ll never get caught, you say, trust me, you will and the way they do it is throw out as many false accusations about you as they can. My advice is to agree to all their accusations, every one of them. Don’t be a silly sausage, no, no, no and correct the troll, the troll isn’t interested in truth, just a little mixture of both the truth and the lie, and trolls are blessed with long memories. An example a troll will use is to say, “you live in a tin shack that’s a pig sty” and of course the unsuspecting newbie may blurt out, “oh no I don’t, I live in a three story mansion on the river.” Bingo, they know how much money you have.

Now ask Rabid Armadillo what a troll is and who is the most famous all trolls. Yes, a little fledgling newbie. RAC could spot the Gladiator potential of the newbie so studied this M$N group user religiously stalking them from group to group trying with all his might to have the newbie discredited and banned. But RAC was unaware of how good this troll could really be far surpassing even his wildest dreams, of being the perfect troll. So in awe of this newbie's abilities, that he himself rode on the back of its popularity, knowing full well that by doing so, his own popularity would prosper.

Now trolls are in the business of tearingdown. They are the types that see sand castles on beaches and proceed to jump on them and smash them to pieces. What that is, is, just another form of mindless vandalism. Unfortunately some trolls do not recognize themselves as trolls and call other posters,  ”troll” but all this does is show their mentality or lack there of, in actually debating or creating new ideas with a said poster.  The most talented a newbie poster is, the more he/she will be called “a troll” Remember that fellow readers, the more talent you’ve got, the more ridicule you’ll have the more names you’ll be called.  You must consider then that being labeled, “a troll.”  can be a good thing. Not always but I reiterate, "can be a good thing."

The first time you get called troll is the most shocking or daunting for a newbie and the newbie starts to question their right to actually being allowed to post on the net in the first place. A good troll will act as though they own the net and their ideas are above and beyond anyone else’s ideas of morality.  There is a pecking order in Gladiator Troll Dom that which most chickens in hens houses would envy. Top trolls never buckle under pressure, they know they sit at the top and no one can eliminate them. It’s the mediocre troll, the middle child troll who never stops and thinks to give up and these provide endless entertainment for the mass of talentless or lesser posters.....

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« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2009, 12:21:36 am »
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Trolls are not a "good thing".  They have never
been nor never will be a good thing and what's
even worse than a self proclaimed master troll is
the weak followers the said "master troll" may have.
I would call these creatures just a mild annoyance
& pretty much worthless.  I've seen way too many
of these.

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