Why do you care if Prowler doesn't like it?
I thought you told me not to mention his name.
You have a love/hate relationship with Prowler?
What is it with your attitude with him and
why would you even care that Prowler
doesn't like u bringing it up?
Fill us in, girl.
One of the reasons Dean and I broke up, was that Dean demanded I ban Prowler from my groups....I didn't....I wouldn't and then Dean went absolutely nuts and out of control to the point of going behind my back to score Rainbow [Sharyn] and plotted to take his revenge on me.....From those early times, Prowler stuck by my side and our good friendship grew.....for 2-3 years, Prowler has been closely by my side.....I was still in love with Dean, even up to a year after I dumped him....anytime I would mention his name at my Avant-garde group, Prowler would tell me off and so I tried not to mention Dean and slowly got over him.....meanwhile, everyone else was **** writing to him and that got up my nose....because my members were chasing Dean all over the net.....It was alright for THEM to write with him but NOT me...
I am angry with Mark about something that he isn't aware of although he probably has a good idea now....I don't know.....but....that is another story...