Below Is a Post by IP at FC......Okay folks, I'll sum up for you now. Caskur the International Drug Law expert has claimed that you WILL get the death penalty for being caught with marijuana seeds in Bali. I asked her to please provide proof of that, since I found it a little hard to believe. Here are all of her responses - this is her way of backing that claim:
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on 03 August 2008, 01:45:53
**** off you idiot.
I have no wish to talk about Corby.....she isn't the only one and you don't know the story.....
You know ****!
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on 03 August 2008, 02:56:40
Those eyes in your avatar are exceptionally ugly.....I hope they aren't really yours.
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on 03 August 2008, 04:07:45
You think they're ugly too....she looks like she is part chink!
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on 03 August 2008, 14:13:05
No, I care to show you nothing, nic switcher!
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on 03 August 2008, 14:16:00
And like the others in this thread that don't stick to the discussion, you should at least try to but then you're just another, what, here?
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on 03 August 2008, 19:26:48
You retard....if you are caught with 200 seeds of marijuana in your baggage in Bali, you will get the death sentence......I made nothing up!
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on 03 August 2008, 23:00:51
I have a good idea....test the case shall we? You fly to Bali with 200 dope seeds in a container in your luggage and see what happens at the airport...mmk?
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on 03 August 2008, 23:11:03
The maximum penalty in Bali for drug trafficking is death [carrying 200 marijuana seeds to a foreign country like Bali is considered drug trafficking]doh....from 200 seeds comes two hundred'll be up to your lawyer after he has milked 100's of thousands of dollars off your friends and families back home whether your sentenced is reduced to life in prison as it was in the case of actual fact, her case got reduced to 15 yrs life and then she appealed to the President and it went up to 20 yrs from death, to 20 yrs, to 15 yrs, back up to 20 yrs again, the Australia audience has followed this story...but hers isn't the only story....
My mother used to go Bali twice, sometimes 3 times a year for over 20 yrs....if she didn't find those seeds BEFORE she left, she would have been another innocent person jailed in that hell hole with the possibilty of a death sentence over her head....and my idiot brother would have been responsible for it.
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on Today at 00:26:13
Too **** scared to try the Balinese authorities yourself eh?
Thought so!
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on Today at 01:00:39
Go on you stupid phuck....I'll arrange for you to have 200 prime, plump marijuana seeds to take up to Bali and sell for me....mmmk? Lets see how far you can get trafficking for me.....alright?....if you're successful, I'll send you with another batch.....look at it this way....if you get caught, you'll become and international overnight sensation....something you've always craved.
Quote from: ~`caskur`~TDT~Capo on Today at 01:05:17
oh really? Every seed I planted grew....
Can someone please tell me how ANY of that is proof that you'll definitely be put to death for bringing pot seeds into Bali? Am I missing something? See, this **** is why I suggested that Caskur be monitored in this section. It's not a debate when you just whimsically throw out statements and then, when you're asked to back them up with facts, you make comments about the other poster's eyes and suggest they fly to Bali with pot seeds in their luggage.
I'm sorry - I think retarded people should have their internet use restricted.
This is me showing her up for the dill she is!!!This is the reason “Chick With a Dick” aka Ice Prick shouldn’t be allowed in my threads.
Oh yeah, the “Chick With a Dick” is a real honest to goodness Master Baiter…
Don't forget to pick me up; I'll smoke some while you drive, that way if you start to sober up I can grab the wheel and the carnage can continue uninterrupted.
Not to mention confirmation that her house is covered in birdshit.
I can't get it to play, it just shows me some 30 second Navy commercial then stops.
Dude your car is a bed.
You can stop spamming up this particular thread, Chatty Fatty, Bra1n already gave you your ribbon.
She doesn't bother anyway.
Kary, nearly everybody who posted in this thread said the same thing. Chatty Fatty just doesn't understand the concept of personal responsibility is all. :shrug:
You're shooting up? You're shooting up WHAT? Do tell. That would explain an awful lot.
You forgot to tell us the punch line, Cassie.
More anecdotal evidence proving only that you and your family are not only freak magnets but freaks yourownselves. Stfu.
Well we certainly don't care if YOU die! :evillol: :evillol: :evillol:
Well, Cassie?

We're waiting Cassie.
This is rich. She's been posting here, but she's afraid to come answer my legitimate questions. Poor, poor Cassie. Drowning in her own stupidity AGAIN. ::####yeah:::
Nothing, K-chick, quit beating your head against that wall of flesh, it won't make an impression.
in fact, if you keep doing it, you might get stuck...which would probably arouse her...and if she got wet, you might drown. just sayin.
Where do you see her saying that? Do you see how assumptive you're being? Well do you?
Right back atcha Cassie! Funny2:)

Cassie, you are **** disgusting, to even bring up your son's memory in a place like this. I used to think that it was really out there that people would use him to flame you, but you deserve every bit of what you get here because you **** bring it on yourself, you piece of rancid filth.
She doesn't deserve to be a **** parent, the nasty reeking slimebag.
She's not responding. She flooded poor Bra1n's (and MY) PM box and that was that. Maybe she took all of the pills at once.
Also unoriginal, ripping off Trix's typing with his elbows trick. The Pig can't do ANYTHING new.
You are talking to someone who has not left her house since 1972, let alone ever held a job. Overweight, agoraphobic, compulsive overeater and paranoid to the point of being delusional. She forms romantic attachments to strange women on the internet, ffs. Of COURSE she doesn't understand.
That guy looks like an art dealer I know.
Barney Frank may be a fag, but he knows what he's doing. I've always liked him.
Spam much, emotard? This is her debating skills from page 9 only….