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Christian The Lion - A Pet's Love Is Forever!

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Author Topic: Christian The Lion - A Pet's Love Is Forever!  (Read 1071 times)
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« on: August 01, 2008, 06:28:06 am »
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Christian The Lion - A Pet's Love Is Forever!

Doing the rounds of the world media and so this place will contribute to that.


This one is set to Ms Tonsils herself, Witney Houston. *I Will Always Love You*

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« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2008, 06:39:35 am »
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This is the same nature as the Lion dogs, Rhodesian Ridgebacks….they NEVER forget their original owners. When I used to visit my sold puppies in their new homes, no matter how long the break, they would go nuts to see me…it was so, so hard to leave my puppies with other people and I am afraid if I had a bigger property, I would never have let any go. There is nothing better than the loyalty and love from pets….nothing!

How sad, those guys had to release their lion…..in the next world, no one will have to….at least that is what the Bible promises….lol….nice dream that hopefully becomes a reality.
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« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 08:54:49 am »
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There is nothing better than the loyalty and love from pets….nothing!

At the moment I have nine dogs.
Two of them are twin brothers I've had since they were only weeks old.
I had to hand feed them as the mother was ill. They're now the 'old men' of my pack.
Four are rescue dogs, which I brough home from various centres.
Three I rescued myself . . . well, I had help of course, but it was me that climbed the walls/fences  and got them out.

Some people call is stealing.I care bugger all for what 'some people' call it.
My dogs are safe, happy, well fed, and  they have fields to run and play in.
If they ever wanted to leave me they could do so easily . . . I don't chain them up!
I take before and after pictures . . . so if necessary, I can show how the animal looked before he came to me. I also keep  the  veterinary reports.
Tex, is of the  long haired German Shepherd breed, beautiful to look at, but hellishly bad tempered when I  first brough him home...[which wasn't surprising if you knew how he's been abused.]

It took   two weeks of planning before we managed to get him out. I was pratically walking the walls in frustration . . . I knew he was becoming ill and I just coudn't get to him. The RSPCA are a complete shambles and worse than useless. The police are too busy here with catching speeding drivers.  Anyway, I have friends that helped me and eventually we got him.



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« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2008, 09:28:49 am »
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I’m dog free at the moment and plan on staying that way after breeding and owning for over 20 yrs…but behind me a woman keeps two dogs with short coats like Ridgebacks….they have no shelter so I reported them to the useless RSPCA….they huddle under the house eaves at night out of the rain but they have to sit up because the sand they’re sitting on get wet, obviously….the first report, they did nothing, the second report they must have because the **** at the back opened the storeroom and put down something for them to lie on….now that has been closed again…it is raining here. I want to knock in her door myself and tell her to look after the dogs properly….properly means, a thick newspaper or rubber mat with some type of blanket on top……

When I kicked my three dogs outside on the veranda in my old house, I had bean bags for them to lay in….Louie [a ****] was very funny because she’d get in her bean bag in winter, and then I’d put another one on top of her and all night she’d stayed sandwiched between two bean bags….LOL….of course, her parents used to wake up during the night if we rugged them up and go for a leak and when they came back to their bean bags, they’d make small sounds to make me get up and put their blankets back on them…..when I had litters, I’d take out the heater for the kennel which was built under the house….

The way people mistreat animals makes me angry….over breeding by breeder makes me just as angry.

The most dogs I had at one time was 5…..3 of my own and 2 I had breed and their ownere left them with me while they went on holiday….the most dogs I owned myself were 4 at one time….Sabre, Sheebah, Louie and Shelby…..Shelby was the grandson of Sabre and Sheebah and nephew to Louie….I miss them ALL dreadfully.

I didn't really like dogs as a kid but dogs liked me ALWAYS....we had 3 cats growing up....but when I married, I absolutely fell in love with Sabre, my husband's dog and when he was 4 yrs old, I got him a wife...LOL...that was when all the fun really began....lol

The old boy Sabre, [the most beautiful gentleman on the planet EVER]....Louie, [his 7 month old daughter in the middle] and my brood **** pregnant Sheebah on the right [ the terror of dogdom herself]

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« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2008, 10:03:48 am »
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I lightened it. That is better.

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« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2008, 12:52:00 pm »
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Beautiful picture!
Have you ever done any drawings or paintings of them?
I've  done a couple of pencil drawings of mine.
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« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2008, 01:18:56 pm »
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Beautiful picture!
Have you ever done any drawings or paintings of them?
I've  done a couple of pencil drawings of mine.

Not of the dogs....only one of Kane and cat name Chitty Chat after Kane died. I don't do animals in pictures.....I don't know why.....after my son died, I kept drawing his picture for a year....I couldn't stop....it was like I was trying to make him again....

Here are some pictures of the next litter...that was a winter litter....never again Roll Eyes....Ridgebacks come in two varieties "liver nose" or "brown nose," which is the same as a red headed person, and the black nose which is the predominate colouring...I had the recessive genes AND the best ridges on my dogs.....

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« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2008, 04:41:41 am »
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We kept cats growing up but one time my brother was given a terrier. In those days, we didn't have fences and the dog used to run away everyday. He used to run to same place which was at least a 1 mile away. It was an old woman's place and she lived near a highway. Her son married my aunty eventually. My mother used to go and collect the dog but the next day, he would be gone again so the old woman kept him. HE chose who HE wanted to be with and it wasn't us.

I used to feel weird about that but now I know dog behavior better, I don't feel as betrayed.

My brother isn't really a dog person. He really isn't a pet person either.

I love dogs.
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« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2008, 09:10:33 am »
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Most of my dogs are getting on a bit.
Fletch, is about 15 which is an old man in dog years, he is the oldest I think.
I've been told (warned by my vet friend) that a few of them probably won't make it through this winter.
I'm going to have to be strong and try not to get any more . . . I'm hoping to move with in the next few years,
and I might not be able to take them with me.
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« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2008, 12:13:05 pm »
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Have you always had dogs?
you must have a large garden to keep them in omnia.
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« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2008, 12:26:25 pm »
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Most of my dogs are getting on a bit.
Fletch, is about 15 which is an old man in dog years, he is the oldest I think.
I've been told (warned by my vet friend) that a few of them probably won't make it through this winter.
I'm going to have to be strong and try not to get any more . . . I'm hoping to move with in the next few years,
and I might not be able to take them with me.

Omnia, when the time comes, do the right thing by the dogs and if they need to be euthanized, then do it....just do it. To me and I definitely know it is my own conscience speaking here and realize other people's consciences vary considerably...but do the right thing for the dog knowing  full well, you gave them a great home and they didn't have to suffer the neglect of shitty selfish people.
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« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2008, 01:05:38 pm »
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Volt, I run an animal sanctuary.
All my dogs are kenneled in an old barn.
I live deep in the countryside, a little too deep for my liking, to be truthful, but it allows me some peace
from the mad rush of the city.
I take in some wildlife, birds mostly, the occasional fox, sometimes animals just turn up out of the blue! LOL.
I have in the past taken donkeys . . . but they were a bit of a handful!

Cas, I have no problem with having my animals  euthanized . . . but will only do it as a last resort.
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« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2008, 01:18:42 pm »
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I hate doing it.

I brace myself but once it is done, I purposely forget it.

I feel sorry that people aren't allowed the same option.

I think death is kinder than living in some circumstances.

Animals in the wild are set upon by other animals and that isn't very nice either.
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« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2008, 01:23:12 pm »
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I don't believe in euthanasier for people.
The soul must be allowed to leave the body in its own time and its own way.
I can't help feeling this way ~ it's just a gut instinct that I have about it.
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Assassino Requintado
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2008, 10:14:16 am »
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I don't believe in euthanasier for people.
The soul must be allowed to leave the body in its own time and its own way.
I can't help feeling this way ~ it's just a gut instinct that I have about it.

Agreed, to a point. Watching a human being suffer needlessly with no hope of recovery is just as bad as, if not worse than, watching an animal suffer.

And who's to say animals do not have souls?
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