Cool Hand
« on: June 18, 2008, 02:38:26 pm » |
I have noticed that while men are nowadays encouraged to show restraint in courtship and sexual relationships, the modern generation of women seem to think it perfectly acceptable to act as sexual predators.I have myself been “sexually harassed” by women in recent years. Sometimes I have rather enjoyed the experience. Other times not.
I think what is at fault here is a coarsening of sexual behaviour generally in our down society. We all know the difference between lust and love, and I think we all know what we prefer – and that is love, in case anyone is wondering.
Just recently, something that a mate told me, made me reflect on this issue. He had been walking down (or up, I forget) the stairs at a train station,also on the stairs at the time was a youngish man, and behind him, a gaggle of drunken young women!
Now these women fancied the young man, and started tittering about that, and making lascivious remarks. OK nothing to bad about that. We’ve all experienced it. You learn to react with humour and tolerance to such bawdiness. We Brits have, after all, grown up with the , nudge, nudge, wink, wink!’ of Carry On films and the like. But then these girls ran up to the young man on the stairs and repeated grabbed his arse!
Apparently, it wasn’t a playful pinch, but a serial set of determined groping. He was given a proper good (or bad!) goosing. Now, the lad was embarrassed by the young women’s actions, I’m told, but did not overreact, and certainly did not go running off to the police to make a complaint.
My mate was the next victim, “They came up and groped me arse, as brazen as you like,” he told me - I couldn’t make out whether it was outrage or gratitude.But imagine had the roles had been reversed and a group of drunken lads had groped the arse of a lone, young female traveller. The woman probably would have made a complaint to the police – and she would have been quite right to do so.
The question is this: is it right that higher standards of sexual behaviour are these days required of men, but if women step over the line, their actions can be considered merely a laughing matter.
In other words, why does society take such a dim view of men who behave like cavemen, when it is all too willing to turn a blind eye when so many women behave like slappers?
Is it any different to the press hounding celebrities and sticking intrusive video recorders and cameras in their faces?
If you watch TV and films and see characters from period movies, you’ll note that strangers did indeed grope both males and females as in mob attacks on victims.
It is embarrassing alright for any sex or group to grope strangers or be groped by strangers. I ask the question when did it not become popular to do that? The answer to that is, when people realized you caught germs and diseases doing that, like the flu for instance.
It is failure of the education system to not teach children certain manners.
Still, it is up to a person to report that and men would less likely bother to do so since they’re very physical beings in any case. They have no problems rumbling with the same sex at rugby matches for instance.
Pinching on the arse isn’t as traumatic as other areas of the body since everyone has one but pinching areas of the genitals or breasts, a disturbing characteristic of Italians who glory in groping people’s parts. Any foreign traveller visiting Italy will tell you that.
Even if it was reported to the police, would they really care? I doubt it very much since they are already overloaded with real crime and the priority of someone being groped publicly would be the least of their concerns.
The gropee should carry a tazer gun and zap the next groper in the canoobies. That might fix any future groper, groping. At least she'll think twice.
Women can grope me anytime they like as long as they're young and sexy. If an old bird does it, I'm reporting her to the cops! 
Hey Cool hand , what time are you likely to be at the station? 
The best time for a woman to grab a man's butt is when he is choka-blocka inside her up against the wall. 
Swing Voter
Hero Member
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Tortured Artist
I am almost a lady and I would never dream of grabbing a stranger on the butt in a million years. 
I think the man/men who are grabbed by strangers shouldn't worry about it and if they get embarrassed, well tough....they should just make out it meant nothing....besides, how are they going to track down and have strange females running through malls, grabbing men's butts reported to police? I doubt courts will award anyone compensation for that, in any case.....I doubt it would make it to court in the first place.
I saw a show on TV about changing Ladettes into ladies.....basically its Pygmalion all over again.....yawn!
Jr. Member

Posts: 52
;Dwell because as you state most men won't do anything about it, if this group of gropers had been arrested for it the first time perhaps they wouldn't have done it again? Group gropes, are fine but only if permission is given to touch... So you got your mates PH# sounds like they have pretty nice asses 
I prefer to have my man all to myself.