Candy coated crap is right....
From: DeepNu™ Sent: 11/15/2008 6:13 AM the question of homosexuality and child molestation, a 1988 study (Erickson, Walbek, and Seely) found that 86% of child molesters identified themselves as homosexual or bisexual, and a 1992 study (Freund and Watson) found that homosexual males were three times more likely than straight men to engage in adult-child sexual relations. Psychologist Eugene Abel found that homosexuals sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls.
If heterosexuals make up the preponderance of child molesters in raw numbers, it's not surprising, since heterosexuals make up more than 97% of the population. When you compensate for that, you find that homosexuals molest children at a rate vastly higher than heterosexuals. Homosexuals also abuse with far greater frequency. In his research, Eugene Abel found that 150.2 boys were abused per male homosexual offender compared to heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.
David Thorstad, a founding member of NAMBLA and former president of New York's Gay Activists Alliance, says homosexual activists have supressed pedophilia in order "to sanitize the image of homosexuality to facilitate its entrance into the social mainstream."
It's interesting to note that one of the UK's first homosexual couples to become foster parents, Craig Faunch and Ian Wathey, were recently convicted and sentenced to several years in prison for having molested the children in their care.
Hate to break it to you, but there's a lot more to the homosexual "lifestyle" than the candy-coated crap you're shown on TV