Swing Voter
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Tortured Artist
« on: November 07, 2008, 08:47:20 am » |
The was a movie I once saw called “This Violent World” it was made in 1976.
It featured stories from around the world, documentary style. It has never appeared on TV that I know of. It showed macabre stories 1. a young female, partially decomposed body by cutting open a shark’s belly and revealing the contents. She had been swallowed whole.
2. Another story featured an island of woman where they practiced abortion by jumping from trees, landing on their behinds until they aborted their first pregnancies. They took the aborted foetus’ and buried it and planted a tree on the grave to mark the spot….and each tree then became their first child.
3. There was a shooting of a 18 yr old Sth American man for looting six chairs and some picture frames, in front of his pet dog. Simply quite repulsive since the punishment didn’t fit the crime.
4. There were pictures of crocodiles or alligators that had grown huge in the underground water systems of New York city….obviously from people flushing their pets down toilets when they got too big for their apartments
I found a trailer to it on youtube...there were many, many more interesting stories other than the ones I just mentioned.