« on: July 31, 2008, 02:22:51 pm » |
We need some different topics here.
Some of us are renouned penny pinchers and if we aren't we sure as hell know someone who is.
Are you a penny pincher and if so, what areas do you penny pinch, in?
With the current condition of the price of fuel, I think this is a good topic to explore.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
I’m too scared to look at the price of fuel, so I don’t….lol
But back in the early 1990’s when there was a terrible recession on, I used to do things like go to the supermarket on Saturday afternoons before they shut and buy the top quality meat that was marked down and the fresh bread too. Our supermarkets used to close Saturday afternoons and not open until Monday mornings….well, over that year, I became a fairly deft shopper and remember thinking, “why can’t I act like this when things are going well instead of not caring about saving a few bucks here and there?” It is because I don’t want to live my life around the almighty dollar….I also use a dryer instead of a clothesline BUT I use fluro lighting and save electricity that way…but other than that, I buy what I want, when I want.
Lately all the news items are about struggling pensioners and their meagre shopping habits and how every single cent counts. Truck drivers are going on strike here because they are paying double for fuel and stores are putting up prices to cover those costs of extra fuel but the truckies aren’t being given anything extra for fuel. Personally, I think our news is totally corrupted these days…they sound out these alarms about money, then stores justify increasing prices and neither the farmers - growers or the truckies who also have families and bills to pay, I may add, aren’t being compensated.
I do worry about other people not making it but I don’t know why I should care about them. As far as I am concerned EVERYBODY wastes money and then later cry when they don’t have any….but that is in my society….and I can only speak for them.
If people want a good Christmas this year, they better start planning for it now….In my ideal world, there would be no Christmas presents, just the feast is good enough. I look at my mother and aunties, cousins and friends and think, “far out, how much more can you stuff in your homes and gobs?”
I think I’m getting crankier as I get older! 
I love shoes and jackets!!
I have found $500 shoes for $45 at a mall near my home that brings the wholesale price to the public.
I was a born conservative. I have always been very good at price shopping, but have never been a coupon user.
You'd be surprised how many bargins you are able to get at the Mall Of America! You have to be a consistant mall shopper and NEVER buy at the first price.
Then there are somethings you must purchase at full price!!
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
I love shoes and jackets!!
I have found $500 shoes for $45 at a mall near my home that brings the wholesale price to the public.
I was a born conservative. I have always been very good at price shopping, but have never been a coupon user.
You'd be surprised how many bargins you are able to get at the Mall Of America! You have to be a consistant mall shopper and NEVER buy at the first price.
Then there are somethings you must purchase at full price!!
When you're broke, you're more apt to bargain shop but when you have money, you waste it too.... I bought three pair of leather ankle boots....same design in 3 different colours 5 yrs ago, maybe and they still in their boxes....what an idiot I was......LOL
I should wear them......what put me off is I want to wear them with tiny socks and the sock pokes out from a side of the boot that has a dip....know what I mean? They weren't very expensive, just $85 a pair.
My most favorite booties cost $1150.00 American dollars. That was a bargin 
Damion Hellstrom
Those must have been some booties.
My most favorite booties cost $1150.00 American dollars. That was a bargin  They were gold lined with diamond studs, right? 
Jr. Member

Posts: 76
The Art of Flame
That stupid **** shops at the Salvation ARmy, don't let her kid you.
My most favorite booties cost $1150.00 American dollars. That was a bargin  They were gold lined with diamond studs, right?  They were handmade, leather, lined w/lamb's wool. 