In my state at least, and in my corner of the world aborigines, are housed in 3-5 bedrooms, double brick and tiled houses. They are issued brand new houses at the time a key is handed over. They are landscaped and fenced with wrought iron for the indigenous tenants and rent is only ever charged at 25% of income. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
The only reason this place is green is because it has winter weeds and not one bit of grass grows on the usual sandpit spot, (they never watered in summer so only sand was left after the roll on lawn died YEARS ago). And there was 1 murder in this house.
For anyone from overseas staying in my suburb, like overseas students attending close by Universities and renting rooms, they get to see how aborigines are treated in my part of the country and how their treatment is reciprocated.
These homes go for around 600,000 to 700,000 thousand dollars on the private market.
Finally, on moving out, I can take its picture as normally, there are plenty of people parked in the front.
The poor neighbour next door who bought an aging fibro house in neat as a pin condition, had to build a wall.. <shakes head>.

And people here who are ignorant of aboriginal affairs keep perpetuating the myth that aborigines are hard done by. In my corner of the world, that is simply far from the truth. I am too scared to photograph the inside condition and I am glad they’ve left..
The big social experiment of having one aborigine family per street was a major flop. The idea was to teach aborigines to mix in society and that everyone else’s behaviour would rub off on them and they could be model tenants …… What a slap in the face to everyone the condition they left this once cute modern home in… Sth African indigenous keep their shacks respectable.. So why don’t ours?