A frind of mine posted this on facebook. What do you think?
Drug Bust
Published: June 10, 2011
Friday marks the 40th anniversary of one of the biggest, most expensive, most destructive social policy experiments in American history: The war on drugs.
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/11/opinion/11blow.htmlI would question whether it has something to do with the coming of crack onto the scene. I would also challenge the notion of "victimless crime." Blacks are incarcerated more, that is for sure. People in the suburbs with drug problems try h...ard to hide them. Their neighbors pay higher taxes and more for their homes and won't tolerate overt drug problems like those who don't use in the inner city are force to do. I think another factor is it is easier to arrest, charge and incacerate the poor thug than the better off. And again, there is crack...which is a very destructive drug. When I lived in Ashtabula County I gladly and willingly gave information to the drug task force which led to meth busts and the perps were white. I nursed a puppy through two surgeries, a puppy who's leg had been broken by a man strung out on meth, all because he didn't like the way she was house-breaking and had been strung out for 3 days on Meth. Libertarians want drugs decriminalized, but they also are against paying for rehab. I have actually read opinions from them that people with addictions should be left to die in their own self-driven destruction, that they are morally weak. People who want Pot legalized should be careful not to mix the Pot in with the other more dangerous and destructive drugs. The main reason I don't want pot legalized is the second hand smoke more children, and others will be forced to breathe. It is bad enough we have to breathe cigarettes. I used Pot in when I was young from about the age of 15 to 20 and it does have destructive effects on some people, very destructive. Some people can be potheads and function alright, but others cannot. People in the inner city are less likely to report their neighbors for drug use, for fear of reprisal, just like the days of old when white immigrants dominated the inner cities and protection rackets went on. I pity good people who are poor and trapped in high crime areas. I believe it is a stretch to directly connect the racist justice system with the war on drugs.