« on: June 11, 2011, 12:16:54 pm » |
I am a doubter.
...and I will tell you why. I have come to the conclusion that Christianity, as great as it has been in changing and shaping the world, mostly for the good, is a myth. But I go further than that. I believe all religous and spiritual belief systems on this earth are mythology and man-made. Man seeking explanations, justifications, something to grasp onto when reality is a bit too harsh to bear. I am now a pragmatic realist who believes that there is an answer, but it is rooted in cause and effect, logic and objective reality. Some try to explain it as Karma. I believe in consequences for actions, not Karma. If the concept of Karma were true, and it simply is not, it would be universally true. It is not. I walked in the Christian faith for years and was immersed in Christian culture. I was ecumenical in my attitude. I don't agree and won't agree with any religion as true. And my freedom to do that is what I believe real freedom means and what it means to be an American. My right to question and have freedom of moral conscience is guaranteed by the constitution of Ohio, going further in language than the US Constitution. I have freedom of thought so why be enslaved to any belief?
Keep in mind while reading this that I was a committed Christian, and tried to be a submissive Christian wife to a madman.
Swing Voter
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Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
kharma is the same as saying, "you reap what you sew"
and usually but not ALWAYS that is true, isn't it?
kharma is the same as saying, "you reap what you sew"
and usually but not ALWAYS that is true, isn't it?
I read someone recently who said Karma is random. I liked the way that person put it. Some never reap what they sew and others end up with the bad consequences of their actions.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
Love conquers kharma. 