« on: June 24, 2011, 08:45:14 am » |
I don't have cable here, because I have pending court cases in Illinois and can't afford it, honestly. But I did spring for Netflix. I have watching more movies lately, trying to get my money's worth.
I have watched 3 Ashton Kutcher movies this week. I enjoyed Killers so I watched Spread. Spread was pretty dirty. Hard to believe they are faking it when they have those kinds of sex scenes in movies. I find it ironic that he played a gold-digging male ****, taking older women for their money, until he finds someone like himself and falls in love. The ending was quite surprising. In Killers, I thought he gave the best performance in the film. He is older and much more beefcake and a treat to view. I started watching some silly comedy called Where's my Car but started to dose off and didn't finish it.
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I haven't really had a chance to see any good movies.
I miss a lot being on the net when they're on.
I generally have movies on I have seen before and just listen to them in the background...
the las movie I saw on the big screen was the third installment of Lord of the Rings or Gladiator... they were the last big screen movies I saw...
I am partially watching or listening to "Transformers" right now...
don't like it that much.
I enjoyed sometime during this year a movie set in the American Civil war with Renée Zellweger..."Cold Mountain" and thought that was great.