Yes, once you get to learn to use your equipment, it starts to be more fun with more successful images...
I have much better pictures but I want to jazz them up arty farty style and then have them printed out and framed.
I get a bit frustrated with the birds and the bees though, they move quicker than the camera or I can
This was the failed native bee picture… I was in the middle of doing something else, not super macros and he flew in so I snapped him anyway… even if I had the camera on macro, he was far, far too fast to line up and capture…

I managed to find the name of the moth I captured and I think mine in the post above is the best so far….
Hippotion celerio or Vine Hawk Moth…. I feel pretty special capturing it. My sister saw it first and said, here, take a picture of the moth as she went out side for a ciggie….lol
This is the picture from the side…. The flash took out the belly but the eye is pretty interesting, I think…
Sorry about the shitty background but this little large moth won’t be pinned to a board… he or she will be allowed to live his or her life and raise a little family…