Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
« on: January 06, 2011, 10:13:36 am » |
I started a thread at BH…. Its 14 pages long and only took a few days… EB couldn’t stand it so he split off a post and made it sticky and that thread is 3 pages long… Had he not done that, then my thread would be 17 pages long and that isn’t bad for a forum on life support… He couldn’t STAND THE FACT, that his pathetic threads stickied were virtually ignored… And here is the kicker from the little Hitler wannabe… who threw a post of mine in the bin…lol. I refuse to post in this thread.... Get this into your thick head, Cathy: this is not CO or FC and I will not allow you to post like it was. If you insist on cluttering up threads with garbage posts they'll be dumpstered. Make enough of them and I'll ban you.
You may now whine and airclaim. Whine and air claim like a whinging pom like you? Wahahahahaha NEVER… No chopping required….bwahahahahaha.  If ol’ battleaxe caskur can stick her mug shot on the flame forums, YOU can too… And now they’ve all gathered gumption and put their latest shots up…. So go ahead, live dangerously….  You’re all fat and ugly and or stupid…. In Evil Bogan Blood’s case, he is all 3 rolled into one… now if that camel toe cleft pallet can post his repulsive image, ANYBODY can…
Alpo’s trying to start **** between me and EB now. Like I have absolutely nothing better to do with my time.
Poor boy, he’s quite possibly the most pathetic troll on the entire Internet...
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
He is an animal, a tortured one..
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
you have his picture now... that really is him.
He has zero muscle tone in his arms, and high blood pressure judging by the redness of his face. He also appears to be a wanna-be Julian from the Canadian T.V. series “ Trailer Park Boys".
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
he is weedy alright...
doesn't look like he can work in an Iron Lung.
Posts: 12
Alpo’s trying to start **** between me and EB now. Like I have absolutely nothing better to do with my time.
Poor boy, he’s quite possibly the most pathetic troll on the entire Internet...
That's putting it mildly. The guy is **** mentally unhinged. And I wish he'd do something useful in his 10 yr (non-monetary producing lulz) flame career and mouthfuck a live hand grenade.
Sera the Drip
Posts: 19
He has zero muscle tone in his arms, and high blood pressure judging by the redness of his face. **** idiot. Ever think it's just a sunburn? Moron.
The Hairy Ladybeast of Flametown.
Swing Voter
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Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
Is that the explanation that fat flop suggested? And you believe him? 
He has zero muscle tone in his arms, and high blood pressure judging by the redness of his face. **** idiot. Ever think it's just a sunburn? Moron. So his face is sunburned, yet his arms are fish belly white?  Hahahahahahaha!!! Gimmie a **** break, hag...
Sera the Drip
Posts: 19
You're a **** idiot flabby. Red face isn't a sign of high blood pressure. You and caskers ignorance knows no bounds. popular belief that dizziness, red face, headache, fatigue, nosebleed and nervousness are signs of high blood pressure is false. flushing is caused by dilation of blood vessels in the face, which can be triggered by emotional stress, hot weather, sun exposure, alcohol use, exercise, hot baths and wind. These factors can also raise blood pressure temporarily but, the AHA says, facial flushing is not related to the temporary spike in pressure, which is also a reaction, not a catalyst. blood pressure has no symptoms. The only way to tell if you have high blood pressure is for a doctor to diagnose it after a period of monitoring.
The Hairy Ladybeast of Flametown.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
That is wrong...
The misinformation that was posted by Sera is intended to encourage people to visit their doctor for a blood pressure test.
If people could self-diagnose, then it would be one less reason to go to the doctor and, therefore, less money in the doctors' pockets. The truth is, people can self-diagnose high blood pressure; the powers that be just don't want you to know it.
Sera, you have been found Guilty of being a gullible idiot. Your sentence will be to live in a state of Oblivion for the rest of your sad life.
I am TheJudge. I am fair. And I have the power.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
My MIL is a nurse... she is obsessed with taking blood pressure.. and my husband adopted her dopiness.... so guess what we have at home? 
Sera the Drip
Posts: 19
That is wrong...
No it's not. The ONLY time a face gets red due to HBP is when there's another underlying cause, with HBP being nothing more than a symptom, not the issue itself.
The Hairy Ladybeast of Flametown.