Sera the Drip
Posts: 19
The misinformation that was posted by Sera is intended to encourage people to visit their doctor for a blood pressure test.
If people could self-diagnose, then it would be one less reason to go to the doctor and, therefore, less money in the doctors' pockets. The truth is, people can self-diagnose high blood pressure; the powers that be just don't want you to know it.
Sera, you have been found Guilty of being a gullible idiot. Your sentence will be to live in a state of Oblivion for the rest of your sad life.
The Hairy Ladybeast of Flametown.
Sera the Drip
Posts: 19
The misinformation that was posted by Sera is intended to encourage people to visit their doctor for a blood pressure test.
If people could self-diagnose, then it would be one less reason to go to the doctor and, therefore, less money in the doctors' pockets. The truth is, people can self-diagnose high blood pressure; the powers that be just don't want you to know it.
Sera, you have been found Guilty of being a gullible idiot. Your sentence will be to live in a state of Oblivion for the rest of your sad life.
Shut it judge. I'm very informed on HBP as I have it, and take meds for it. What I posted is correct.
The Hairy Ladybeast of Flametown.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
how high was it when they put you on Blood Presssure medication?
The misinformation that was posted by Sera is intended to encourage people to visit their doctor for a blood pressure test.
If people could self-diagnose, then it would be one less reason to go to the doctor and, therefore, less money in the doctors' pockets. The truth is, people can self-diagnose high blood pressure; the powers that be just don't want you to know it.
Sera, you have been found Guilty of being a gullible idiot. Your sentence will be to live in a state of Oblivion for the rest of your sad life.
Shut it judge. I'm very informed on HBP as I have it, and take meds for it. What I posted is correct. You are a victim of your own stupidity. You think you know a lot about high blood pressure because you have it. That is idiotic. If you knew a lot about high blood pressure, you would choose not to have it. Blood pressure can be controlled by thought. Mind over matter. Total body control. I can lower my pulse to one beat per minute. I can cause my hair to grow faster or slower at my will. When it has been necessary, I have grown eyes in the back of my head. I can raise my blood pressure to dangerously high levels and just as easily lower my blood pressure to equally as dangerous low levels simply through muscular control. Anyone who needs medication to regulate their blood pressure is being controlled by the government and quite possibly aliens.
I am TheJudge. I am fair. And I have the power.
Sera the Drip
Posts: 19
how high was it when they put you on Blood Presssure medication?
God I can't remember. It was like 10 years ago. It's was high enough to worry the Dr. a bit. I take Verapamil for it. 360mg a day.
The Hairy Ladybeast of Flametown.
Sera the Drip
Posts: 19
The misinformation that was posted by Sera is intended to encourage people to visit their doctor for a blood pressure test.
If people could self-diagnose, then it would be one less reason to go to the doctor and, therefore, less money in the doctors' pockets. The truth is, people can self-diagnose high blood pressure; the powers that be just don't want you to know it.
Sera, you have been found Guilty of being a gullible idiot. Your sentence will be to live in a state of Oblivion for the rest of your sad life.
Shut it judge. I'm very informed on HBP as I have it, and take meds for it. What I posted is correct. You are a victim of your own stupidity. You think you know a lot about high blood pressure because you have it. That is idiotic. If you knew a lot about high blood pressure, you would choose not to have it. Blood pressure can be controlled by thought. Mind over matter. Total body control. I can lower my pulse to one beat per minute. I can cause my hair to grow faster or slower at my will. When it has been necessary, I have grown eyes in the back of my head. I can raise my blood pressure to dangerously high levels and just as easily lower my blood pressure to equally as dangerous low levels simply through muscular control. Anyone who needs medication to regulate their blood pressure is being controlled by the government and quite possibly aliens. You're a **** moron who's not even worth my spit. *PLONK*
The Hairy Ladybeast of Flametown.
how high was it when they put you on Blood Presssure medication?
God I can't remember. It was like 10 years ago. It's was high enough to worry the Dr. a bit. I take Verapamil for it. 360mg a day. Verapamil is a drug used by the government to instill confusion in civilians. The victims often find themselves involved in Internet chat forums, never really understanding what is happening around them. Loss of memory is common. God I can't remember. See.
I am TheJudge. I am fair. And I have the power.