godammit Alpo, you whining little ****-ass ****, take your **** idiocy back to that shithole you call a forum and slit your **** wrists...
NO one gives a flying **** rat's ass WHAT you think, tosser...
your unrelenting spam comes across as the butt-hurt sniveling it is, nothing more...
kill yourself...
seriously...do it...
Ah, kabong engages in his classic sucking up.
Kabong, exactly who do you think you speak for? Your reputation is one of the shittiest on the web. On any board you're been regged on it was due to you kissing admin ass--which you're now doing here.
You kissed Alpha's ass on his own board in the early days of that....you are the male version of caskur.
typical whiney **** response from you, Alpo...i don't speak FOR anyone, i was speaking TO you, assbreath...
and, as usual, your deflection speaks volumes of your cowardice...
Losing trolls like Barunt and Gronk was no great loss.
At least "Alpo" knows how to flame, and how the game is played.
LMAO...only YOU would think that, Obi...
you haven't had a clue as to how the game is played since the Black Sox threw the Series...
the FACT is that Alpo is nothing more than a tiresome, bush league spamming troll who has run off good posters in every **** forum he sullies with his unrelenting whining and "No Yuo's"...
and while we're on the subject of that mincing little tard, will someone remove the KOF shield from his sidebar?
he was unanimously voted OUT...
yet another in a long line of total humiliations for him...