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Pinked at BH

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Author Topic: Pinked at BH  (Read 222 times)
Swing Voter
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Tortured Artist

« on: August 23, 2010, 04:10:39 am »
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So I will reply to Evil Bogan Here...

lets continue uncensored.

Caskur says,

**** off back to the UK ya stupid fat pommy git…

Who the **** let you into the country? I suppose that dimbulb you pork got you over here and that is the only way they let a **** like you into OZ…. well I am here to tell you, you’re not wanted, nor are you welcomed…. What are you? The product of cross breeding between a pom and Anglo Indian…


 A Freddie Mercury, Evil Bogan Twin…. Ya fat stalking ****!!!

Don’t pay me any attention….. riiiight… stuff another kebab down your gapping maw.

Cardie says ingenously,

Actually, Freddie Mercury was handsome, talented and rich. Call ME Freddie Mercury. I'd welcome the prestige.

Your ponderous racist diatribes on Third Rail dovetail nicely with your uncalled-for attacks on BH's gentle admin EB.

Caskur would have said at BH,

would you like his AIDS too?

Don’t worry Cardy, as soon as I can think of something nasty I can call a cartoon head of a horse such as yourself, I’ll let you know. At any rate, I think you’re a mule in horse harness anyway.

Ps, Racist wog cunts like Evil Bogan balless wonder reek prejudice. I am amazed you haven’t noticed it. Must I always bring issues to your attention?

Evil Bogan Bastard bleating out his fat wog arse says,

Attacks? Hardly, Cardie. She never attacks, she simply posts silly and infantile crap that she's got from Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party...without realising the irony that her family were also immigrants. It's that level of stupidity that makes her despised at every forum she visits...but despised for her ignorance and stupidity rather than because she flames anybody. If only poor Ukrainian Maria, the tractor trollop, could hear her mad daughter's ranting.

Now, what's all this gentle admin crap? I've already told you, Kitty has sent me the titty pics so unless you can up the ante with your **** and bits...you're not having her panel.

Has Cathy migrated to third rail as well? ****, Bra1n and VC must be over the moon with that...link Dani into this thread for me, please...it has everything she'll need to make Cathy's life hell there.

The yellow is for cowardness... Evil Bogan is a coward and pinked me at Brawl Hall... What a wussy... What the **** do you know about Pauline Hanson, you silly pommy git? You've been in the country 5 minutes, ya lebanese wog ****.

You'll be deported sooner or later.... back to grey skyed bleak pommyland...


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Swing Voter
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Tortured Artist

« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2010, 10:07:28 am »
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Quote from: cardtrick;2379549
Actually, Freddie Mercury was handsome, talented and rich. Call ME Freddie Mercury. I'd welcome the prestige.
Your ponderous racist diatribes on Third Rail dovetail nicely with your uncalled-for attacks on BH's gentle admin EB.

I tried to reply to you but someone, most likely Evil Bogan stopped that. Apparently he is denying it now. You can read my answer to your post at the other place we post at… in the bin where I posted it.


Quote from: Evil Blood;2379929
Attacks?  Hardly, Cardie.  She never attacks, she simply posts silly and infantile crap that she's got from Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party...without realising the irony that her family were also immigrants.  It's that level of stupidity that makes her despised at every forum she visits...but despised for her ignorance and stupidity rather than because she flames anybody.  If only poor Ukrainian Maria, the tractor trollop, could hear her mad daughter's ranting.

Now, what's all this gentle admin crap?  I've already told you, Kitty has sent me the titty pics so unless you can up the ante with your **** and bits...you're not having her panel.

Has Cathy migrated to third rail as well?  ****, Bra1n and VC must be over the moon with that...link Dani into this thread for me, please...it has everything she'll need to make Cathy's life hell there.

Now you’re an expert on my family, you claim. I have to ask myself, what makes some fat bald guy and blow in from Europe and expert on me. Hanson and Australia when they’ve only been here 3.5 yrs? Lemme guess…. An airclaimer…and one that never ceases sniveling. Oh boy, you were a real catch weren’t you fatso? So, instead of actually writing to me, you’ve now resorted to writing about me… I’m in your head fatty… good luck getting me out of it…

I’ll be watching you whine for the next ten years or your deportment… whichever comes first.

Quote from: Sublime;2380106
It simply just screams I'm one dumb ugly bint.

Which are two very good reason for you to stop reading or writing to me now. Get a job, loser.

Quote from: Evil Blood;2380681
Rob, mate...seriously, Chinderella is a meltdown monster.  You've seen nothing yet...I'll be digging a little deeper and then, when THAT'S posted, she'll really hit the **** roof.  She wrote to Pauline Hanson back in 2003 when Hanson was in jail...Pauline responded...thorugh the miracle of back door trojans, I actually have a copy of the letter that was sent back to Cathy...scanned in and in Pauline's own handwriting. 

I'll post it later when I can be bothered...there's still some mileage to be had with Kane's grave and the fact that 4Chin.com's husband, Kurt, only has one testicle, can't cut it in bed with HER...but was more than happy to unload his pods in Kane's arse...while he was alive, obviously...mind you, if he'd done it after Kane was dead for a month or two, he could have made his own entrance hole...and his **** would STILL have smelled better than if he'd shoved it up Cathy.

That is right, I helped get Hanson freed… in a very tiny way…too bad I couldn’t have helped more…

On the other hand, I can put people in jail as well… Especially ones who defame others…

Wanna try me?

You’re on notice…. Tick, tick, tick….
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