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Evil Bogan Strikes Again

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Author Topic: Evil Bogan Strikes Again  (Read 553 times)
Swing Voter
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« on: August 21, 2010, 03:57:24 pm »
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Quote, Evil Bogan.... (This fat wop is on drugs for sure)...

Right, Cathy...you COULD post there until you shot your mouth off too quick, talked yourself into a corner and had no way out other than to run like a butt **** pig.

You've fallen back on a panel abuse autolame before we've even started even though I've never even been in the panel here...but, of course, as we already know and as you've already proven in the past, you're a pathological liar who refuses to let something as trivial as fact stand in the way of her and her imbecilic airclaims, meltdowns and reputation as the second most insane poster ever to hit flametown behind Mad Jennifer Mearney.  You're a **** poor flamer, one of the most dull and lifeless choppers I've ever seen and you can't troll for **** because you're too stupid.  The only thing you CAn do with any competence is hang that chin out with a huge target painted on it and just gibber inanely when somebody like me boots it so hard it ends up knocking a hole in next door's wall.

I trolled you all ends up with my claim of having put a backdoor trojan in your PC.  You screamed to Poofer in PM at CO about it and he played along with the troll by claiming I'd hacked his iPhone and rendered it worthless.  You sent your PC off for almost 2 days and had to pay **** knows how much money to have them look for a trojan that never existed in the first place...you dumb ****.

You threatened to go psychotic on me in RL...not exactly the claim of a sane person, then refused to give me your address after calling ME a coward for calling your bluff.  Well, Cath, here's your address just in case you've forgotten it...


What a **** scabby house it is too...**** all land and built right on top of the next door neighbour's house.  A **** Mc Mansion and you call ME a wog?  ROFL - ****, you live in a wog house, in a wog neighbourhood and your entire net existence is based upon lie after lie after lie.  The only person that has any time for you is the **** knuckle "The Prowler" and the only reason HE hangs around you is that you're such a **** hideous skank that he thinks, if he plays his cards right, he might get his pustulating deformities past your guard and you'll cyber him.  All he'll have to do then is find his ****.

Now, here's an idea...**** off.  Don't bother coming back.  Just sit in your empty little hovel at Flame Damnation and obsess about my Mrs and me...why not - you've already devoted a section of the forum to us...****, you're one sad, embittered, talentless, hideously ugly, moronic and worthless e-**** with bags under her eyes that, if they were any larger, would have been made by Louis Vuitton...although, given your lack of class and the fact that you're just some foul feral dag, they'd undoubtedly be a cheap fake.

**** off, you disgust me.

Quote, Evil Bogan.... (This fat wop is on drugs for sure)...

This one cracks me up!!!  That is one serious facial deformity...


* v.JPG (12.44 KB, 258x302 - viewed 68 times.)
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« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 11:19:42 am »
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I've seen better looking chicken cones than that.

What have you done to that simpering bastard caskur?

He is melting down on forums all over the internet.


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Swing Voter
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« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2010, 01:40:56 pm »
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He thinks I will run tanking in there to unspin his fiction thus offering him up real PI….

What a dumb dork he is.

I laugh at his pathetic threats….but not as hard as I laugh at his bogan bitches stupid inept chops.
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Swing Voter
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« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2010, 02:45:02 am »
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He’s violated a his woman everyway a fat man can. He is a lame legend, a hulk hero and they’re drowning in their own **** and wind. Hahahahaha!!!!!!

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Swing Voter
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« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2010, 01:38:43 am »
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He craps (on)  in foums.

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Swing Voter
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« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2010, 08:13:30 pm »
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Snake oil salesmen...lol

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Swing Voter
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« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2010, 01:26:45 pm »
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Some artist she is.... she thinks primary colours and secondary colours are childish an gauche....lol

* bright bold and better.jpg (139.57 KB, 668x601 - viewed 14 times.)
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