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Author Topic: Dreamng...  (Read 155 times)
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« on: February 14, 2010, 11:59:19 pm »
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the old wives' tale about dreaming of dead people? I've always been told that if you dream of a dead person/pet/loved one, that it's their way of communicating from the 'other side', to let you know they're okay (if it's a good dream...if it's a nightmare, i can only assume it means they're still pissed at you)

My grandmother died recently (December 28), and we weren't getting along that well in the month or two prior to her death. so since she passed, I've been dealing with more than a fair share of guilt. Night before last, I had a dream of her. She and i were hugging each other tight..no words were spoken..we just hugged so, so tight. I remember thinking how much I didn't want to let go of her, because I knew she was dead and if I let go, she would be gone. I was crying in the dream, and sobbing when I woke up. My mom says that's my grandmother, coming to me in a dream, to let me know she is okay, and not mad at me anymore.

 My mom and I have also had dreams of our pets (she dreamt her dog, i had a dream of my cat)..they come to us in dreams, happy and healthy once again, and we think it's their way of letting us know they're okay, and still with us in a way.

Have any of you ever heard about this, or had it happen to you? the dead coming to visit you in dreams? Or is this just our minds trying to slap a meaning on a meaningless dream to make ourselves feel better?

nope, it isn't a way for them to let you know they're OK....it's a way of letting YOU know, you're OK...

its a fantastic gift actually, to dream,.... and remember the departed person....you can perhaps dream and get to tell them something you missed out on telling them while they were alive...

for instance... just say someone you loved wasn't told by you have much you loved them while they were alive, often enough and you feel guilty about that...

the dream allows you to tell the person, "I love you," and is a release from the guilt...

the dream is so "real" that you feel something has been completed...

do you get my meaning?....if not, I will elaborate further...

Dreaming has nothing to do with an after-life and everything to do with your second life. Let me emphasize that, “Dreaming has nothing to do with an after-life and everything to do with your second life.”  You live two lives so to speak….one in a material world and the other in your dream world. Most dreams are great and some are unsettling and some are scary, depending on what you’ve done in your material world….very few are prophetic but they happen…..do not consult a dream interpreter….become YOUR OWN interpreter of your own dreams…

In dreams, you get to do what you cannot do in real life, in the main….lets say you’ve always had a hankering to win lotto or something and most people’s chances of actually winning the first prize, are slim. However, if its something you’ve wanted really badly and never achieved, chances are you will dream you win it, thus your emotions and delight are given an outlet…..you get to be a winner for a day or until you wake up…lol….just substitute that for anything like meeting an idol of yours…

I don’t agree with the other poster about guilt….guilt is good, it gives us our brakes on our behaviours especially….every car needs a pair of brakes….guilt is just another feature of our emotions. Its normal to feel guilt, so allow yourself to feel it….eventually and hopefully it rationalizes itself out.

Dreaming is a privilege…To artists, its everything…Once I dreamt I did this painting…it was a Friday night dream and then when I woke up Saturday morning, I did this painting….it took me all day cuz I made an impasto to the canvas to create a texture….the painting was nothing like the dream painting but you know, I sold that in an art exhibition for $500….not bad for a day’s, enjoyable work….from a dream no-less. I am actually making paintings from that very first dream using the technique.

While you dream about someone dead, they always live in your imagination….in your second life…you get to talk with them sometime, that is the privilege.….Roy Orbison’s song “Dream” is about his first wife who died…..

If you look to someone else interpreting YOUR dreams, you will more than likely will come unstuck…..they are what they are and that is, your second life…your very own parallel universe….enjoy them.
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