Swing Voter
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Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:51:48 am » |
He has done heaps:
1. 2020 - 1,000 B&B; minds, $2+m = 9 useable ideas. 2. Save the whales – FAIL 3. Fight Inflation Genie – Oops GFC 4. Taxes up (Gas, Diesel, Transport, Alco pops) – inflationary 5. Fuelwatch - cost $21 million – FAIL 6. Grocery Watch/Choice – June, 2009 abandoned $13 million election promise – FAIL 7. Arresting Iranian leaders – Stunt 8. Bank Guarantee - still over 200,000 bank accounts frozen from September 2008 - $25B of savings locked up for possibly 4 years. 9. Laptops 10. National Broadband Network (from $4b, to $7b to $43 billion) – Experts are now saying it will cost in the region of $20,000 PER CONNECTION 11. Cash Splash 1 – borrowed 12. Cash Splash 2 – also borrowed = $42 billion 13. Work Choices /Fair work – Will cost jobs Awards Back flips – special dispensation for Tourism/Food industry. Horticultural Industry warning new awards will put farmers out of business, eg, casual pickers weekend rates. - No response from Gillard yet. 14. Immigration/Refugees/Asylum Seekers how many boats so far? Need I even mention the Oceanic Viking? 15. Defence - cut expenditure & increase weaponry? 16. Homeland Security Department – “a non-core promise” broken Nov 28, 2007 17. The buck stops with me – so where are you? 18. Securing water on the Murray/Darling 19. IVF Program – cuts - the caring ALP. 20. Medicare/Private Health – rebate not to be touched - key election promise - outright lie 21. Dental Scheme – gone – the caring ALP 22. Cataract Surgery – costs doubled – the caring ALP 23. Superannuation – the government needs it more than you. 24. Home Savers Grant - a fizzer, not enough people saving 25. First home Owners grant – increased, not aimed to generate building, inflating house prices 26. One Stop Super Childcare Centres 27. GP Super Clinics - $275 million borrowed – 1 open Palmerston NT, ALP stronghold – FAIL, 3 approved SA – Noarlunga, Playford North, Modbury , all ALP safe seats 28. No compulsory University Union Fees – an outright lie voted down 29. Worker Share Options, June 2009 – on, off, on, off, on like a light switch – blunder 30. Carbon emissions reduction - LPG conversion subsidies being phased out l – June 2009 31. Carbon Emissions reduction Part 2 - Household Solar Rebate axed 9/6 32. Schools Stimulus/? Infrastructure Program – Subject to AG inquiry. 33. Ruddbank 34. Federal takeover of hospitals by mid 2009 if no improvement. – EPIC FAIL 35. Reduce consultancies by $112 million = increase to $800 million (6354 consultancies) 36. Govt will pay small business invoices on time = takes a lot longer 37. No nuclear Waste Dump NT – election promise – broken June 2008 38. $15 million to rural research & development corporations – election promise – broken May 2008. 39. A - E reporting on childcare standards & universal pre-school for 4 year olds – election promise – broken June 2009 40. ALP Uranium Policy/stance – in tatters. Garrett approves uranium mine. 41. Diplomacy – Japan – biggest customer – FAIL. India – Uranium contract – FAIL . USA – conversations (real/imaginary) released to media. China, May 2009 – “difficult to deal with” Australia led Asia Pacific Body – thud. 42. Boost funding for aboriginal Legal Aid – lie – actuality = cuts to funding in first budget. 43. Scale back Intervention – ignored review recommendations. 44. Homes /renovations for indigenous – not one shovel lifted to date 45. Digital TV –Conroy, 2008, slash $22m from costs of changeover, figures make no sense – original estimate $16m now to cost $66m 46. Cheaper Better Childcare – Govt regulations will see Childcare costs going up by about $1500pa on July 1, 2010 47. SORRY! Feb 8, 08. K Rudd “We apologise especially for the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, their communities and their country.” Aug 22, 09 The Australian “WELFARE workers have swooped on the opal mining town of Lightning Ridge in northwest NSW, removing more than 40 Aboriginal children from decrepit homes in shanty towns........ Aboriginal women, stunned by the removals, say it amounts to a “modern-day Stolen Generation”, but the most recent statistics on child removals show Aboriginal children are being taken from their parents in numbers much greater than the Stolen Generations.” 48. Skills Program, Sept 2009, The Australian – “Kevin Rudd’s $2bn skills plan in disarray” 49. More affordable Housing – October 2009 – prices forecast to go up 20% 50. Cheaper Books for Australians – back flip to protectionist policies 51. ETS, Versions 1&2;–FAIL senate. 52. 2007 Rudd promises a new era in cooperation between Federal Government & States. 2009 Rudd loses patience with NSW ALP, Qld Traveston dam. 53. Copenhagen conference - EPIC FAIL – CLASSIC COMEDY 54. “Ian McPhedran July 26, 2009 11:00pm WHEN it comes to chalking up VIP jet bills, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Governor-General Quentin Bryce leave their predecessors in a $5.8 million wake. During the six months from June to December last year, the PM Kevin Rudd and Governor-General Quentin Bryce team hit a record of $17.2 million in taxpayer-funded VIP flights – which equals $716,000-a-week.” – Kevin Rudd – Our “Stay at home prime minister” 55. Relaxed restrictions on foreign ownership elevate house prices. 56. FOI review/results. – Open and transparent government promised 2007 by 2009 promise = increased FOI requests and increased rejections of same = markedly increased secretive Government. 57. Blunder – superannuation cuts for ADF personnel. Combet claims difficulty in straitened times = tough luck. 58. “Obscene”.” Rudd on the 730 report 28/1/2010 60. 2010 – 8 boats & 630 IMAs as at 2/2/2010.
Heaps of FAILS that is.... homelessness numbers = War on Homelessness = increased Homeless numbers for 2010. 59. Big Australia - “I actually believe in a big Australia I make no apology for that. I actually think it’s good news that our population is growing” Rudd 2009. “You asked specifically whether this is my target or not. I don’t have a view on that, to be quite honest
and Pollies wonder why they're loathed...
go figure..