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Mandatory Internet Filter

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Author Topic: Mandatory Internet Filter  (Read 296 times)
Swing Voter
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Tortured Artist

« on: January 06, 2010, 04:34:49 pm »
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As most of you would be aware, the Labor Government proposes to introduce a Mandatory Internet Filter onto all Australians who use the Internet. If the legislation passes through Parliament, the Filter will become operative 12 months from the date of becoming Law.

Introduction of the Internet Filter is part of a commitment Rudd made to the Christian lobby (to gain votes) prior to the last election.

The filter is designed as a huge "Nanny" peddled to the public as a surefire way to stop your children accessing child pornography, pornography and "inappropriate content" because you, the parents are incabable of monitoring your children when they are on the Internet.

In reality, this Filter will do nothing of the kind. At a cost to the Australian taxpayer of about $43 million, this grand filter can be overridden with a couple of mouse clicks.

The majority of kiddy **** is trafficked via peer to peer. The filter has no affect on them. Very few child pornography websites remain intact on the Internet. They are dealt with by law enforcement agencies engaged for this purpose.

The Rudd Governmen't Internet Filter is not actually a filter as such. It is censorship. Australia will be joining countries such as China, Iran, North Korea and other dictatorships where governments wish to control their populations, censoring material on the Internet openly available to free countries .

What does this filter mean to you?

It will slow your Internet speed down. The trials a few ISPs opted to take part in were not conducted proficiently. They were not exposed to full ISP loads, rather, selectively tested.

Conroy's "Blacklist" - the list of URLS to be blocked by the Filter can and will contain perfectly legal sites.

The Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) is chartered to investigate complaints about websites. This body is likely to be open to abuse and/or manipulation. All it would take is a busy or disinterested public servant to not properly investigate a complaint and whack, the site is blacklisted. As I said, I believe legal web content will end up on this notorious Blacklist of Conroy's. Some of you may be familiar with the Dentist (from Qld from memory) who found his website blacklisted.

What can you do to stop this disgusting abuse of power by the Labor Government?

First, don't take my word for it - do your own investigation and educate yourselves as to exactly what this Filter is about. It's not about protecting your children. It's about censorship.

Second, write to Politicians as I did yesterday, voicing my concern and asking for the legislation to be defeated.

Third, there is nothing wrong with an "Opt In" ISP filter. I see no reason why the Christian lobby nor parents unable to supervise their children would not be in favour of this. Why should those of us who know how to use the Internet be censored in such a draconian way just to appease a small minority of the population who do not know how to use the Internet.

How many of you have accidentally hit a repugnant page whilst on the Internet? In my 9 years of heavy Internet use - not once.

Here is a link for those of you who care enough about democracy and care enough about your right to civil liberty and freedom of choice.


To those of you who prefer to see Australia's population censored, then don't bother opening it.

Do your homework, people. This Filter of Labor's is shaping up as jackboot government at its best!
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« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 05:01:20 pm »
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Well, if it slows you down from spamming up the web it might be a good thing.
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Swing Voter
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Tortured Artist

« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 05:02:50 pm »
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Ah....haven't you heard I am leaving the net for good yet?
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« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 06:34:05 pm »
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Don't get our hopes up, Piggy Porker
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