Swing Voter
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Tortured Artist
« on: December 21, 2009, 01:36:38 pm » |
I have the history.... Re: LOLz I just got banned from all of alpha novas boards!!!Sloane
I guess I have been a naughty girl!! The poor fellow was just to high strung and it seems my feud with beaver and caskur was to much for him.
It seems he just couldnt take the pressure of a fair stand up fight and sent me packing. Well good riddance. Ill never return.Der Fuhrer
Honestly sweetums, who cares? I have been banned from virtually every single site on the internet. I pitted one media giant against another. You are nothing but a gnat by comparison. When you can get a media giant to threaten your ISP, then we can talk, until then, shut the **** up. I fail to care about your 'net meanderings.The Wise and Powerful
Shaddap. This thread is about Sloane, not you.Rudedog
So Sloane, it took you this long to realize Alpha is a whining e-****? What else has gone over your head?
At this rate one would think you’re just figuring out that putting your car in ‘D’ makes it go forward. And for the record, putting it in ‘R’ makes it go in reverse.The Wise and Powerful
At least she already knew the "P" was for "Park". Sloane to Der Fuhrer
And yet you took the time to respond to this. Someone seems insecure...Sloane to Rudie
Ive seen it coming for a while.. Oh didnt I tell you? Oh thats right,... Its because you dont mean **** to me.Der Fuhrer to Sloane
I am insecure for mocking your claims? This is what passes for 'logic' on this site? I cannot make fun of your braggadacio regarding a site I could destroy with mine own eyes closed? Unlike yourself, I never brag about destroying lesser sites, simply because I am well aware others with 'talent' are capable of doing the same. Your post is clearly a cry on your part alas 'look, I angered a little boy's site! I am worthy of your attentions! Pay attention to me! Please don't ignore, or mock me! I need your attention! Now! *stomps foot* Christ on a stick woman! Get a grip on reality! When you have hit a real site, then you will be free to receive the accolades and acclaim you believe you so richly deserve. Until then, shut the **** up.Sloane
Am I bragging about destroying a site??
Wow, could have fooled me... I simply stated a matter of fact and now your putting words in my mouth.
If your gonna troll a post at least try and make it relevant mkay?Der Fuhrer
Translation: 'You have owned me to the point I am your puppet.'
Now that is a truthful translation, one with which I do agree.
You completely missed the point, such is your stupidity. You were bragging about taking on a solitary individual, whilst I took on entire sites. I stated when you manage the same, only then may you post anything resembling a victory parade, not the bullshit cryout with this 'Alpha' ****. The fact you pick on children and I do not is irrelevant for the moment.The Bra1n
I like how ALf tries to justify it by suddenly badmouthing Sloane and even intimating that she changed because she is an FC reg as though that has anything to do with another board.
I guess that leaves him with what, 3 regular posters to talk about FC?Rudedog to Sloane
Quote from: Sloane on Today at 08:32:30 PM Ive seen it coming for a while.. Oh didnt I tell you? Oh thats right,... Its because you dont mean **** to me. Sure you did.
While Alpha was busy tracking down readers IP’s you stood there as if Tammy Wynette was singing ‘Stand By Your Man’ right to your face.
Spare everyone the ‘I saw it coming for a while’ bullshit as that only means you’re slower than Jewels’ metabolism and proves you’ve had one foot in the sandbox and the other one checking to see if its OK to step out of your childish realm.
I bet Alpha is checking your IP so don’t be surprised if he calls the authorities to make a police report of a dumb bimbo who no longer kisses his ass.[/color][/b] Der FuhrerQuote While Alpha was busy tracking down readers IP’s Why would he be tracking down IPs anyway? Who gives a **** about one's IP?Quote I bet Alpha is checking your IP so don’t be surprised if he calls the authorities to make a police report I surely hope none of you are stupid enough to do this. There is no easier way to have your own ISP dump you.Rudedog to Der Fuhrer
Just so you know, Alpha has tried looking up my personal information. He went ape **** and got his ovaries twisted when he realized I was ‘Rudie Beerman’ and was contacting our host who pretty much told him ‘**** off loser’
He’s followed me to other boards to tell them about Rudie Beerman.
Meanwhile Sloane who was his sidekick just stood there as if she was being fingered with a hot baked potato and felt Alpha’s actions were OK since she was not allowed to speak since her mouth and **** were muzzled.
Swing Voter
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Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
People who flame Alpo get stalked....
Caskur is Soothsayer
The truth of the matter is Caskur banned Sloane, using the admin panel she was given because she couldn't take Sloane flaming her.
Caskur's a coward at heart.
By the way, you might want to start checking the forums you've posted on. I heard your IPs are all over there and out in public.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
The truth of the matter is Caskur banned Sloane, using the admin panel she was given because she couldn't take Sloane flaming her.
Caskur's a coward at heart.
By the way, you might want to start checking the forums you've posted on. I heard your IPs are all over there and out in public.
I never banned did after I complained about having to spend time cleaning up Sloanes **** spamfest....I didn't even KNOW how to ban fuckwit....I taught myself here.....only a few months ago...get real... quit makes you look demented.....what am I ARE demented.
Caskur is Soothsayer
No, the truth is out there. You banned Sloane because you couldn't handle him. I hear he still hates you. In face, I hear he wants revenge on you.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
I loved Sloane...Sloane was an exciting writer...
You were e-jealous of me getting on with hated that....
learn your place, peon.
Caskur is Soothsayer
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