« on: December 08, 2009, 05:46:40 pm » |
 LOL my kid with whacky hair & lucy
TY----I just started everything Monday morning. Christmas shopping and decorating. I have so much to do, it's overwhelming. My mother in law wants us to spend the weekend of the 19th at her house but I really don't want to spend the night anywhere but home. lol I have to get home to the dogs! That's my story & I'm stickin to it. I'll spend Saturday there but please let me come home to sleep. lol
My sister just got laid off from her job and now my husband is 'bout to lose his too. Unbelievable.
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Tortured Artist
omg, your daughter looks like you....
great hair....lol
Her and her friend do that with their hair and it cracks me UP. They put a water bottle in the middle of it with their head upside down then tie a pony tail holder at the end & you can't see the bottle at all. When they both have it like that it's hilarious. She does look like me but she has her dad's hair and nose. She is 4 inches taller than me too. I am 2 inches taller than my mother. Seems each generation keeps growing taller.
Swing Voter
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Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
We have a gay man in Australia who is a big wig in the music circles...called Molly Meldrum...well, this week there was a interview with Susan Boyle over a 3 day period....
I still haven't gotten her CD.....its $20 here and some places $25 ........its also number one in the UK, the USA and Australia...
this is so kewl...
this is Molly [Ian]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Meldrum