Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
« on: September 04, 2009, 12:30:21 am » |
There are a couple of guys on the net who never know when to quit. I know for a fact that one guy is a psychiatric case who I know in real life and claims he has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder…..that is bullshit…he is nuts alright but PTSD? ….nahhh, more like psychopathy and I am being serious here.
Now psychopaths on the net can be fun to wind up, but sooner or later, you just want them to change into a pillar of salt like Lot’s wife did in the old Bible times.
Damion Hellstrom and his many nicknames has really outstripped anyone else at these groups, with perhaps the exception of Veronica Cuntrag in being an total obsessoid <<<< I know there is no such word but it sounds good. And what is the debilitating crux of all this is, he isn’t amusing in anyway. If he was a little humorous, one could ignore his spam in anticipation that you might find some mirth in his writings, or wit even….but no, none what-so-ever.
I am the object of his affections and Christ knows how I came to be it. You know, you have to admire the staff that work at the nut houses who deal daily with many a Damion Hellstrom type of insanity…..well I know I do. I think that guy is going to give himself some type of physical illness with the way he conducts himself at flame forums. He thinks he is some sort of school hall monitor of posters, or something…What a little snitch he must have been at school….I can visualize it now, hand stuck in the air almost bolt upright in his seat screaming, “miss, miss…..johnny stole my pencil and stuck it up my butt”
Now Chaosfactor is good read compared to Hellstrom….but only compared to Hellstrom….one can see he puts some thought into his BS so a poster looks at it and at least has a reaction….mine is usually, “ wha’ tha’ ” But at least it is a reaction that is a far cry from reading the **** Alpo [Hellstom] writes…
Now Badazzi, he is lazy fucker…I bet he doesn’t put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket….I can tell the type….just drops it where it lands…I can tell he is spoiled beyond help…no matter, he is going fishing all weekend and probably going to hook more plastic garbage than real live fish..
Who else is posting here?….ah yes, theJudge….apparently my better half….well actually, he was the perfect compliment to me, once…he still has a sense of humour and that goes along way with me…
What I wouldn’t give for a Judas Iscariot aka Sum C’nT…..he was good at Flame Champs…smart, mouthy, funny…all the good things I like in a flame writer…..yeah, no wonder he admins Brawl Hall…. And even an Oranje whose command of Englsih excels all others at the groups….not that Iron Juke ****, he is just plain foul…
I ain't reading that novel... less is more, cask. 
The Comedian
Posts: 39
She removed a number of responses.
Gramma can't handle the truth.
Posts: 39
Dear Caskur,
That was literally the dumbest, whiniest, and most butthurt thread that I have ever read.
The only solution is for you to kill yourself immediately.
Thinking you're a retardly, Turboninja
Hey cask what does my ip # look like now?
ohhhh look, it's got a little phone. But this is the only community I can view on my phone. The other's say the pages can't be split into segments my phone will support or some ****, I dunno. Weird.
I'm not crazy about Veronica either. If Veronica is the chick who was over at 3rd rail putting on a show. She's a bit fake for my taste.
I know I said I wasn't going to read that novel but I changed my mind. It's a woman's perogative.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
I put it on two sections....
my favourite response was Baddie's....
tee hee.