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My Biggest Fear for Planet Earth

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Author Topic: My Biggest Fear for Planet Earth  (Read 934 times)
Swing Voter
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« on: July 15, 2008, 01:08:47 am »
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There is a huge habit of seamen throwing rubbish over board, before they enter ports.
My old boyfriend Philip went on a live sheep export journey back in the early 80s.
Before the ship he was on, came back into Fremantle port, all the crew members stacked the junk they accumulated as tourists in Malaysia and Singapore, M.E. and so on outside their cabin doors.....Then all those items just went overboard into the ocean....
Now, according to a news item I saw earlier this year, scientists are alarmed because, between Hawaii and Japan, there are two floating masses of pastic waste the size of the USA mainland TWO  Cry  ....It appears the currents have caused this mass to cling to itself making large floating islands of pollution....when I heard that, my heart sank....there is no way they can clean that up....and there is no way to stop more plastic waste gathering there since men are too selfish to stay clean and pollution free and do the right thing by the environment...and that worries me more than hearing about any bloody comet headed and expected to collide with earth, so many million light years from now!!

In my view, the scientist shouldn't be "reviewing" this catastrophe, they should be sounding alarms and make sure that seafarers and people using the coast line are aware of how important the oceans are, as the oceans feeds the entire planet.


Scientists investigate ocean 'plastic soup'
By Radio Australia's Barbara Heggen

Posted Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:40am AEDT

Scientists have also reported a similar mass in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica [File photo]. (AAP Image)

Scientists from the University of Hawaii are planning to conduct a comprehensive study of a giant floating plastic mass in the North Pacific Ocean.

Reports of the floating rubbish dump first emerged back in 1997 when an American sailor discovered it.

He then established a marine research foundation to raise awareness of the pollution. Now there are a number of scientists who have become alarmed at the situation.

It has become known as the "Pacific plastic soup" and stretches from about 500 nautical miles off the coast of California, right across the north Pacific to near the coast of Japan.

Basically it is a massive concentration of floating plastic debris that results from swirling underwater currents.

The plastic originates from countries around the Pacific Rim, like Australia, the US, China and Mexico.

Because there are vast stretches of the ocean that are never travelled by any vessels, it is thought there are probably more of these plastic soups around the world.

Mass near Antarctica

It is already been reported by Chilean scientists that a similar mass exists in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica.

Anyone who has witnessed the North Pacific mass is shocked at the enormity of the problem.

Professor David Karl, an oceanographer from the University of Hawaii, is planning a comprehensive range of research strategies.

"Certainly we can say that the accumulation rate exceeds the removal rate in the open ocean, because the degradation rates of plastic are so small," he said.

"So this phenomenon is increasing, I think it's fair to say, over time.

"Now whether it's twice the size of the continental United States or whether it's of the size of your hometown, it really doesn't matter.

"There's plastic out there and somebody should be out there studying its impact.

He says a research cruise is planned later this year from Honolulu to Los Angeles in California.

"That is the research crews where we're going to devote some of our valuable research time on that ship to try to look for this plastic heap," he said.

"If we can get accurate coordinates then perhaps we might even be able to see it by planes that are flying over or by Earth orbiting satellites, or by ships of opportunity, such as trade ships.

"It's likely they just go right through this and would not even know it, because they are not out on the deck looking for this stuff.

"But maybe we could put observers on their ships or some kind of a camera system or some kind of a detection system so that we could start to map this feature."
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Damion Hellstrom
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2008, 03:45:34 pm »
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Lately things aren't looking good for planet earth.
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Swing Voter
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« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 07:56:35 am »
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It isn't, is it?

we're choking under our material good times.

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Damion Hellstrom
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2008, 08:25:07 am »
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Currently in the US things are not that good.  The stock market is down, gas prices record highs, the dollar valued very low.
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Swing Voter
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« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2008, 12:12:40 pm »
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Blog "Plastic Sea"



Well, two things I learned, first, 100,000 sea creatures, including Albatross and turtles are being killed per annum and one man has come up with the solution to cease fishing for 10 yrs and suggested the fishermen, fish for plastic instead....

Hawaii has become the dump for much of the plastic.

can't see that one happening real soon....it would be good if everyone was struck with an altruistic personality disorder, but it won't happen.

Better start keeping better marines and zoos cause the there is no way animals are going to survive such a huge problem on a grandscale.

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Swing Voter
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« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2008, 12:15:41 pm »
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The other thing and very important, we have the technology to turn pastic back into oil.

If a monetary value is put on plastic like aluminum cans then that will solve a large part of the problem, I feel...

People are just going to have to reduce their plastic consumption and that is it....


I better slot the article in here. 60 Minutes have a habit of shifting articles all over the place....


Liam Bartlett: Plastic Sea 17/07/2008 9:45:00 AM, sean.maher Next
This was always going to be one of those stories that changes your view of the world. My first shock was Hawaii. On the big island, at a place called Kamilo Beach, I was stunned to see a coastline covered in all manner of plastic waste… bottles, brushes, nets, plastic bags and tonnes and tonnes of fine plastic particles that at first glance look like sand.
Kamilo is one of the dirtiest beaches in the world; no mean feat given that it’s only a three-hour drive from the Kona Coast which is internationally renowned for its beauty.

What’s so significant about Kamilo Beach is that it’s the nearest landfall to a phenomenal sea of plastic, twice the size of Britain, that swirls around the North Pacific, between Hawaii and Japan.

Walking along Kamilo Beach with Australian environmentalist Suzanne Fraser, it was hard to find a patch of sand not covered in plastic … in some places it’s a metre deep!

The great Pacific garbage patch, which casts this plastic debris onto the beach, is formed by a giant whirlpool at the confluence of four major ocean currents known as The Gyre.

If somebody throws an empty bottle into the sea off Japan or a Mexican river, chances are it will bob up in this Gyre.

Marine researcher Captain Charles Moore and Australia’s Ian Kiernan have sailed through it and they both told us it’s like a floating landfill site. More than 60 per cent of the rubbish in the Gyre is suspended in the water column.

The experts say the water is filled with six times as much plastic as plankton and, as marine life ingests the smaller particles, its survival and our well-being become entwined as the plastics enter the food chain… eventually making it to the family dinner table.

Here in Australia, we saw the devastating effects of plastics on turtle populations off the Queensland coast. Marine biologist Kathy Townsend is carrying out groundbreaking research on this plastic plague.

I was there as she performed an autopsy on a dead turtle and the amount of plastic this poor creature had in its stomach was staggering.

It literally choked to death.

I’ve seen examples in the past of plastic-related deaths to penguins and sea birds through strangulation and the like, but the scale and nature of this problem is far greater than I could ever have imagined.

Despite witnessing plenty of ‘floating garbage’ in all different forms while filming this yarn, one of the things that shocked me was the reaction of big wave surfer Laird Hamilton as we chatted on a beach in Maui.

Here’s this unbelievably gutsy surfer who rides 30-metre waves, yet he admits the only thing that really scares him is this plastic menace.

Laird reckons he sees floating plastic every time he heads out for a surf – and we’re talking about some of, supposedly, the most beautiful breaks in the world.

It’s easy to become sanctimonious after an assignment like this but, the fact is, we all enjoy living in our disposable society and consuming all the creature comforts it has to offer.

That said, I know that my attitude to how we use plastic bags, plastic packaging and plastic drink bottles has changed forever.

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Swing Voter
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« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2008, 08:09:22 am »
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I come from a family of professional fishermen on my dad’s side…Times were excellent in that profession during the 60’s 70’s 80’s 90’s…and the environment was a lot cleaner….they did use the seas to dump stuff in the old days. They used to use the sea to dump all the skins of the sheep before someone here thought to turn them into Ugg boots and lambs wool car seat cover and so forth…..dumping organic waste is probably not as bad as dumping plastic.

Neighbours and friends who recreational fish have been complaining for awhile now, the fish off the jetties aren’t as big as they were or as plenty as they were, to me, in the last 15 ish years….and they also complain that the Asian immigrants pull out too many small ones.

Today on our news, there has been discovered a flock of seagulls who have died or are dying on one of our southern beaches near me…..tests are being done on them right now…..this flock possibly ingested something from a nearby dump….that is the likely place for a seagull to catch something bacterially fatal or someone poisoning them on purpose is another reason I can think of, for a flock to die…..the beach has been closed as a precaution but authorities said, it is probably safe.

Our news tonight was about the delaying the fishing season to amateurs again and bait shops are complaining they will be out of business….Apparently according to our news program, WA is one of the leading research authorities on fishing and fishing environments that provides world wide data.

The more I think about what that Aussie man in the eastern states is suggesting about a total fishing ban for 10 yrs, the more sound his advice is sounding to me. I thought, no one will go for this idea but I’m thinking more stress should be put on the fact this generation of children need to be left something and at the rate they’re going, it won’t be.

[when I first heard him say it, I thought he was nuts]

60 Story trasnscripts…and video of the segment!


The more I read about other places and see the graphic images of pollution along with dead and dying wildlife, the more I strongly feel governments should be stepping in and they could do something a relieve the people whose businesses would or have suffered.

Not so long ago, our ABC reviewed the big oil spill from the Valdez in Alaska and how that still hasn’t been rectified. So there are two states in America that have problems with pollution….Alaska and Hawaii.
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« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2008, 04:34:09 pm »
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http:// Shocked when will we learn that in order to survive as a species we must make sure that the planet remains healthy, we are after all animals too we're just the only ones that have never learned to live in our environment with out destroying it ...  sad isn't it Sad
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« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2008, 04:52:31 pm »
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As far as the sea is concerned, the state of it is critical.

Coastal areas should ban plastic bags.
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