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Tortured Artist
« on: August 22, 2008, 08:28:57 am » |
House is really good, excellent in fact.....a tad over done perhaps BUT it never fails to attract....House's character is so compelling....I didn't like him at first because he didn't "sound" like a doctor....but he grew on me....if I was going to criticise it, I would say they take too long to ressolve a problem and sometimes the ads come on just before the very end and I miss the ending because I get up to do something and miss it when I come back.....that happened to me the other night...or maybe it was a "to be continued." I'll know next week on Wednesday night.
With the Aussies one "All Saints", they have several plots going on at the same time and the diagnosis and cures unravel throughout the whole show....the cast are, "real to life," looking people who have good strong personal lives inside the show...many stories going on at once....very good.