« on: July 06, 2009, 07:16:36 pm » |
Hi Caskur!
Morning for you now?
It's 80F and humid here with black clouds in the sky. Areas to the south have severe storm warnings - I'm just hoping rain will fall here.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
I'm here but I am cooking breakfast and watching the news....
it is pleasant here....it might rain with any luck and because it is pleasant and not cold, it most likely will rain...
Well, I've sat long enough reading the flame forum posts.
The hounds are ready for their supper, time for me to get moving.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
I'm making tea now and watching the new arrival which I shall post soon....
nice surprise 96 kg bundle of joy...
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
with Michaels untimely death and Australia new born baby....we've had an emotional roller coaster ride this week.. Australia's first Asian Elephant calfhttp://babyelephant.taronga.org.au/the zoo staff cannot sleep from all the excitiment and the elephants are learning and loving this new arrival experience....our first one mind you.. click the link....I hope it works for you... 
You dont natively have elephants, so frm where did they come?
The war, its nt ovr yet :-( But I aint a part of it anymore :-)
=== * * +++| "== * * + |/ " **** +++ |\
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
We have elephants in Australia but never one born here...this is a first and they're Asian elephants....all the aunties of our new arrival are pregnant so they're all going to give birth, eventually....they're all watching the baby and the mother and interacting between fencing......it is so exciting and the other elephants that are pregnant are learning what to do so when theirs come along, they will know what to do..
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
it was amazing because last night at 7:30pm they televized the birth although he had already been born a few days earlier....they're all estatically happy at the zoo...and they said he was strong so, so far they're confident....but the mother after she gave birth was very angry because she was still in pain and they had to stop her from killing the baby.....when the pain subsided, the bonding started....it was so beautiful...
why go so crazy behind elephants?
Anywayz maybe you dont have many, unlike us.
The war, its nt ovr yet :-( But I aint a part of it anymore :-)
=== * * +++| "== * * + |/ " **** +++ |\
sting, you're a dum dum.
The Wise and Powerful
I'm always hidden, but not by choice...
I went into the Profile section, and the click spot to show me online (or not) is missing
Damion Hellstrom
I'm always hidden, but not by choice...
I went into the Profile section, and the click spot to show me online (or not) is missing
I'll check on it when I get a chance.
The Wise and Powerful
I'm always hidden, but not by choice...
I went into the Profile section, and the click spot to show me online (or not) is missing
I'll check on it when I get a chance. I only use IE. Maybe it would show up if I were to use Opera or Firefox, but I deleted those programs.