Flame Damnation

General Category => Debate Forum => Topic started by: Bored Housewife on March 30, 2009, 04:11:03 pm

Title: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: Bored Housewife on March 30, 2009, 04:11:03 pm
On the internet, everyday, there are thousands of females who log onto match-and-meet websites (not mentioning any names...), and write their profiles up, describing themselves as 'bored, lonely housewives'. Well, for goodness sake, why dont you get off your lazy butt and go and get yourself a job, a hobby, or even volunteer for something. The excuses these women come up with for cheating on their husbands are just ridiculous, and often very far-fetched...My husband doesnt pay enough attention to me, my life has no meaning, I have no friends, etc. etc.
  I mean, really, the first thing you should do if you feel as though your relationship is in turmoil is to be a decent human being and TELL your partner of your concerns...And if you are so darned unhappy in the relationship you are in, then get the hell out of it. Oh, I've heard all the excuses- He wont let me leave, He wont pay child support for the kids if he has to leave, I have nowhere else to go, He provides for me, Im staying with him for the kids...PLEASE!!! If the truth be known, children pick up on their parents vibes, whether you are smiling or grimacing, the kids will always know deep down how you really feel, and if they are sensing the tension between partners, they will start to play-up for attention, either to make the parents forget their stresses and concentrate on other stresses (such as stopping the kids bathing the kitten, or feeding each other tabasco sauce!) . Otherwise the children will start to rebel from their parents, getting into trouble and disrespecting other adults.
    So, before you go and title yourself a "Bored,Lonely housewife", first think of what you can do to actually change that...Try new things in the bedroom, do little things for your husband to notice you,like a sexy outfit, or even go to the footy with him and try to compromise on your relationship status, before going to the extreme of having an affair, whether an emotional or physical one...
I mean, really, if your not happy where you are, why even be there?
   To cheat is just to cause unwanted,unneeded and unneccessary heartache, usually to someone who had no idea things were as bad as you think they are.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: caskur on March 30, 2009, 06:20:14 pm
People should have affairs only if they are absolutely certain they can never be caught.


Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: Demeters Daughter on March 31, 2009, 07:13:27 am
Cheating's wrong. Period.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: caskur™ on March 31, 2009, 08:07:35 am
It is with STD's and AIDS around.

Very dangerous as some poor people have discovered.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: Demeters Daughter on March 31, 2009, 08:15:40 am
I swear to GOD if my SO ever cheated and gave me an STD I would kill him.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: caskur™ on March 31, 2009, 09:16:53 am
I know about 3 women who got herpes from cheating partners...

that is how they found out they were being cheated on...very sad.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: bella on March 31, 2009, 10:03:16 am
bored housewife is preaching as if she were a 'stepford wife'  <ding ding ding>

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: Bored Housewife on March 31, 2009, 11:45:52 am
I am so very sorry if I offended or upset you with my advice...To tell you the truth, I am actually a 26 year old mother of four under 7, and my 4 year old son is severely Autistic, topped off with chronic A.D.H.D. I have been extremely mentally and emotionally abused by this so called lover for 8 out of our 10 years, and if anything, when I wrote that advice, I was trying to show myself that I can leave the as***le who swears he loves me, but calls me every name under the sun. My eldery grandfather gave me a tallboy and my partner kicked it until it was irrepairable...My auntie gave me an antique wardrobe, he punched holes in it and smashed it beyond use. I apologise to you again, because it seems trying to tell him how I feel actually makes him LAUGH at me and tell me I wont leave because he'll take my kids, He'll track me down. I ask him to leave and he laughs again, just says "make me F***ing leave". I guess I just wanted to make myself realise there were others out there that HAVE gotten out of these horrible relationships...like yourself. I take my hat off to you...You make me proud to know there are women out there stronger than I am. And I really hope your life is better than ever before, because you seem to deserve happiness. All the best...Sheri.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: Demeters Daughter on March 31, 2009, 02:18:52 pm
You would probably be better off posting this stuff at a domsetic violence forum. This is not the place to be posting such personal info - trust me on this.

Here are some forums you can check out to get some help (although I personally, having been through it, think your best alternative is to leave his monkey ass):




Good luck.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: caskur™ on March 31, 2009, 04:02:11 pm
First of all, what dingbat gets pregnant in this day and age with plenty of contraception available....

this a troll...

I mean, they know what the partner is like BEFORE they lumber themselves with dependants....

NAH, sorry, I have no empathy for you...sorry..

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: Demeters Daughter on April 01, 2009, 08:38:33 am
I know it's a troll: I never posted here about my ex and how unbelievably brutal he was, or how I got out of that situation. But I've posted it elsewhere, and it's never even been pasted here, so whoever "Sheri" is has to know me from somewhere else to make that kind of a remark about how strong I was to get out blahblahrayray.

Still, if the links are helpful to someone else, that's a good thing, right? You never know who's reading, and domestic violence is no joke.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: caskur on April 02, 2009, 01:27:08 pm
Domestic violence is common, and I wouldn't take that post above personally if I was you.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: Bored Housewife on April 08, 2009, 02:25:21 pm
I know it's a troll: I never posted here about my ex and how unbelievably brutal he was, or how I got out of that situation. But I've posted it elsewhere, and it's never even been pasted here, so whoever "Sheri" is has to know me from somewhere else to make that kind of a remark about how strong I was to get out blahblahrayray.

Still, if the links are helpful to someone else, that's a good thing, right? You never know who's reading, and domestic violence is no joke.

I have no idea who you are and this is certainly not about you. It is common enough to be abused by partners and some women will stay for a short term, others take longer to leave. Most with small children simply cannot afford to run off so they take their chances and stay.

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: bella on April 09, 2009, 09:38:06 am
.............Most with small children simply cannot afford to run off so they take their chances and stay.

betcha that's true

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: arete on April 10, 2009, 05:39:17 pm
On the internet, everyday, there are thousands of females who log onto match-and-meet websites (not mentioning any names...), and write their profiles up, describing themselves as 'bored, lonely housewives'. Well, for goodness sake, why dont you get off your lazy butt and go and get yourself a job, a hobby, or even volunteer for something. The excuses these women come up with for cheating on their husbands are just ridiculous, and often very far-fetched...My husband doesnt pay enough attention to me, my life has no meaning, I have no friends, etc. etc.
  I mean, really, the first thing you should do if you feel as though your relationship is in turmoil is to be a decent human being and TELL your partner of your concerns...And if you are so darned unhappy in the relationship you are in, then get the hell out of it. Oh, I've heard all the excuses- He wont let me leave, He wont pay child support for the kids if he has to leave, I have nowhere else to go, He provides for me, Im staying with him for the kids...PLEASE!!! If the truth be known, children pick up on their parents vibes, whether you are smiling or grimacing, the kids will always know deep down how you really feel, and if they are sensing the tension between partners, they will start to play-up for attention, either to make the parents forget their stresses and concentrate on other stresses (such as stopping the kids bathing the kitten, or feeding each other tabasco sauce!) . Otherwise the children will start to rebel from their parents, getting into trouble and disrespecting other adults.
    So, before you go and title yourself a "Bored,Lonely housewife", first think of what you can do to actually change that...Try new things in the bedroom, do little things for your husband to notice you,like a sexy outfit, or even go to the footy with him and try to compromise on your relationship status, before going to the extreme of having an affair, whether an emotional or physical one...
I mean, really, if your not happy where you are, why even be there?
   To cheat is just to cause unwanted,unneeded and unneccessary heartache, usually to someone who had no idea things were as bad as you think they are.

amen sistah

Title: Re: Should Married People Have Affairs?
Post by: caskur™ on April 13, 2009, 03:57:40 am
just after I had my son I went along to weight watchers to lose the pregnancy gain...and one night we had a lecture from the cops telling us women ...[back in the late seventies] when I was a teenager....that if we are being raped, allow them to do it without resistence...that way we will preserve our lives.....then a couple of years later, I was attacked in a home invasion and I did nothing to defend myself....I was punched a lot but never lost my footing, thank god and without going into further detail, the guy ran off.....later, I met JW's who told me unless a woman "screams" according to the Bible, it isn't "****"...so I was told two different things by two different groups of people...now with the mind set I have and with the husband I have who taught me the nature of men, there is no way on this planet I am NOT going to resist ANYONE doing anything to me or my property...the guy is going to be dead in two seconds flat.

Jane lived across the road, she would be about 65ish now but when she was 15, she was raped by three men in North Fremantle...she got pregnant and her mother took over that baby and she wasn't allowed to talk to it or look after it [those were different times]....later as a divorced mother of another 3 children, one of her daughters was bashed up by the boyfriend one time, so Jane on discovering this, ran out to his car when he pulled up, and proceeded to beat the **** out of him.....I should imagine having a woman beat you up would be a humiliating experience for a 19 yr old....NO ONE was going to get away when hurting one of her kids.....that is the mind set of survivors of extreme violence...it empowers you.

Over the years, the police and ESPECIALLY THE COURTS have a lot to be ashamed of in my state....regarding the protection of women especially with WRONG advice. It is up to women to advise their sisters on what to do...

Hurting strangers isn't our natural human inclination and the thugs know this....well, it is about time that situation was changed.

I believe it is documented that if females put out a resistence, then that is usually successful and yes, naturally there are exceptions to rules...and some will die trying....but dying is better than surviving some situations to live a life in fear with PTSD...or some other such lamearse condition.