Title: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on April 18, 2010, 05:52:16 am Look at the mushrooms I got…. They’re huge. I put a cup alongside them to show how big the stalks are by comparison and my olives grew huge this year year but not a big crop…. Disappointing really… You cannot tell the size of the olives but a friend of mine said she has never seen olives that big before. I think many went missing from either mice of rats stealing them.
(http://www.smfforfree4.com/gallery/flamedamnation/6_18_04_10_5_46_25.jpeg) (http://www.smfforfree4.com/gallery/flamedamnation/6_18_04_10_5_45_06.jpeg) Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: icy on April 18, 2010, 08:51:08 am YUMMMMM....Are those portebellas? I like
cooking them on the grill with olive oil, salt & pepper and using them as if they were a hamburger patty. So good. I love grilling veggies and making veggie subs. Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on April 19, 2010, 02:25:23 am I used to make mushroom villages in ms paint before groups... the witch is a later addition...
(http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q260/caskur_2006/PixieVillage.jpg) Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on April 22, 2010, 01:50:40 pm Ok, its nearly been a week. What stage I am up to is soaking the olives in plain water for 7 days, changing the water everyday. I cut them according to the instructions I got from the net and I have tried before, and it works a charm.
Soon I will be doing the same thing with salty water except I will be changing the water maybe every five days… then after 2 weeks, I can eat them.. Note how they’re changing colour already as the bitterness in the skin leeches out… these are very ripe olives… on the tree there are two green ones waiting to change colour, which is a bit of a **** off really… I mean, who wants to go to the trouble of pickling two olives… This time last year, my crop filled the whole containers…. This year, I only have the row floating on top… I also used plastic lids to weight the olives down… it works perfectly… The salty water I will use is roughly 60-70 grams of salt to the size of that full container…these are ready for eating really quickly because they’re over-ripe…YUM. I am just going to make olive sandwiches… and no one else is going to get one….I hope…lol …My nephew said he wants to try some… I made him climb to the top of the tree to get them…lol (http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q260/caskur_2006/preparingolives.jpg) This was last years crop size…. About 4 times what I got this year …. (http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q260/caskur_2006/Picture184.jpg) Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: icy on April 22, 2010, 06:59:03 pm yummmmy
I remember you brining them last year. Do you can them? Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on April 23, 2010, 01:06:59 am yummmmy I remember you brining them last year. Do you can them? No way.... when the brining process is complete, I eat them every day until they're all eaten.. I might have up to twelve a day... so that lot will be gone in two days tops.. maybe three if I am lucky. Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 01, 2010, 12:30:23 pm New blue kitchen stove area... wrong blue but right idea... I am going to have to get more paint and put a drop of black in it..
Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: icy on May 01, 2010, 06:24:48 pm Ohhhhh that's puuuurty.
I would never have considered a blue kitchen but it's great. My bathrooms need painted. Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 01, 2010, 06:47:07 pm I hate my tiles.... and cupboards...
I would now reconsider my kitchen in hindsight.... I want the stainless steel tile look. Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 02, 2010, 08:35:45 pm This is fake picture in as much as I used msn paint to colour the other walls... all my walls are white but I want to extend the whole dark blue over whole feature wall... all the rest beside me and behind me will remain white.... It might appear gloomy having such a dark colour but in real time, it works.
there is also a fake fridge on the left and a fake microwave over in the recess... my real microwave is too big for that section but I am buying another one When its all done and jazzed up, I'll take a nicer picture of the finished product. Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 03, 2010, 09:01:28 am We're part way through.... the hub has two coats.... the other walls have the sealer and 1 coat.... and the fridge area outside the picture only has a coat of sealer...
what a nightmare... the kitchen was clean earlier today...now it has **** from pillar to post.... outside of your view of course but it 10 pm...knock off time. (http://www.smfforfree4.com/gallery/flamedamnation/6_03_05_10_8_56_19.jpeg) Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 04, 2010, 09:22:09 am I finished painting the kitchen... I made a chop of it too... I have microwave that doesn't fit in the recess..it's half an inch to wide so I keep glasses in there and I am going to buy a smaller one for the spot and I want a new fridge so I chopped my fridge wider to cover a boom closet. I will show you when I load it to photobucket... also, I left off a very heavy mosaic. I want the walls to be 100% dry before I put it back up...(it got a third coating)... I might change all the artwork.... when I had nothing in my house, just my art, it was good and it set it all off.... now I have **** everywhere and my place just looks busy.
I painted it dark blue... its very dramatic. all the rest of house is white inside,.... I built it 11 yrs ago and its never been painted inside.... except the hub was painted a shitty sponge effect. I got tired of it...now I have the paint bug... I need to do a room at a time... it doesn't even have sealer on the walls yet.... (http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q260/caskur_2006/finishedpaintjob.jpg) Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 05, 2010, 05:06:46 am colour in the afternoon...
(http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q260/caskur_2006/NewBlueKitchen.jpg) Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: icy on May 05, 2010, 02:03:54 pm I love your kitchen. Very nice.
Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 06, 2010, 10:29:37 am I love your kitchen. Very nice. I got a microwave now as well... its all coming together.... and some more stainless steel pots and pans.. Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 17, 2010, 01:00:34 pm I got a new kettle. A Breville. Now someone destroyed the old one by bumping the plastic window and cracking it making it leak water… what a waste of a kettle since it was only 1 yr old… but this new one, which I think, happens to have an ugly design, turned out to be a new, “you beaut, fangle-dangled,” appliance.
When you turn it on, the water level highlights and when it turns off, it makes a big old *piiiing* sound but the best thing about it, it’s so damn quiet heating up…. The other brand sounded like a chaff cutter when it was heating water. I can actually stand next to this one and still hear the TV…. AMAZING… Recommend… 10 out of 10 for performance…. 4 out of ten for design. Cost… too bloody much… over 100 dollars. (http://www.smfforfree4.com/gallery/flamedamnation/6_17_05_10_12_53_58.jpeg) Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 19, 2010, 10:14:57 pm I'm in the middle of cleaning up.... I quite like what I did to the kitchen... I need to seal and paint the rest white... redo the pantry door white.. (Its cream now) I just took this so I didn't put away everything but since this site isn't a house and garden magazine, no one will care except Megan who hates clutter (tee hee)... she isn't the only one... I hate it too.... but I am not the clutterer.. I'm not a pack rat.
Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: icy on May 23, 2010, 03:43:17 pm Ohhhhh I love the kitchen! Beautiful.
I got a french coffee press for Christmas and the thing says it's an 8 cup press but not even six cups of liquid will fit into the damn thing. The first time I made coffee in it I put 8 tablespoons of ground coffee not measuring the capacity first and the coffee was sooooooo STRONG. I served it to my mother-in-law and was wondering why they didn't ask for more like usual. LOL I like strong coffee but it was even way too strong for me. I like the press but it is too small. Now I know to use less coffee and usually drink the whole pot myself. I have an old fashioned tea kettle (one like my mom always used to use) I use it for everything when I need boiling water. I want a tap on my faucet that instantly boils water like they have in hotels but I can wait. When we were looking at houses to buy one of the houses had it installed plus they had a built in steamer in the kitchen. I loved that kitchen but it was an older home and I hated the counter tops in particular. Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: caskur™ on May 23, 2010, 07:42:24 pm counter tops can be redone Icy....
you can do things to make places nicer....thank goodness.. Title: Re: Big Mushrooms - Large Olives Post by: icy on June 01, 2010, 07:25:08 pm Yes, I know but we weren't prepared to pay the asking price with all the changes I wanted to make so we opted for another house. I often think about that house though and what it woulda been like to live there. I really wanted it. |