Title: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: caskur™ on February 10, 2010, 05:12:28 am Fight, fight, fight... (http://www.therooranch.com/images/animals/Kangaroo-red1.jpg) this is what kangaroos do you people as well... they disembowel you.... they use their tails to stand and the rip you open with their powerful hind legs.. What Roo wants the FD champ belt? Sign up for it.... My name is down... (http://www.smfforfree4.com/gallery/flamedamnation/6_28_10_09_9_58_07.gif) (https://cdn.smfboards.com/Smileys/smf/knuppel2.gif) Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: BADFUCKINAzzi on February 12, 2010, 09:37:18 pm how about my roo kicks you in the **** and takes you down like a dumb ****, thats an instant win
Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: caskur™ on February 13, 2010, 12:49:14 am how about my roo kicks you in the **** and takes you down like a dumb ****, thats an instant win How about you get out there in troll-land and round me up some cocksuckers to smack in their silly heads? Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: TheJudge on February 13, 2010, 11:15:43 am Is having a tail required?
Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: caskur™ on February 13, 2010, 11:40:24 am Are you stepping up?
I had to unjoin Barunt....he lost his password and claims the site wouldn't allow him to rejoin...he claims someone has his email... he needs to try again.. Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: TheJudge on February 14, 2010, 12:25:45 am Stepping up?
I believe the right term would be "Stepping down." Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: caskur™ on February 14, 2010, 01:09:34 am Stepping up? I believe the right term would be "Stepping down." Please explain yourself... Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: TheJudge on February 14, 2010, 11:18:49 am You'll understand when you see the bottom of my boot headed for your face time and time again.
I am in. To win. Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: caskur™ on February 14, 2010, 12:08:07 pm It could get nasty then our e-love will die...
still, I am sure Badazzi will fry us both... Sting is too gutless to enter matches.... he is pathetic actually. Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: caskur™ on February 25, 2010, 05:00:49 am So much for Baddie being a admin here...
he is never here... I blame Icy...she doesn't show enough leg... Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: MightySting on February 27, 2010, 12:24:54 am I have better things to do then post day and night on message boards Cathy. Posting isn't all that important to me these days
Title: Re: Sign Up for FD Belt <Melee> Post by: caskur™ on March 04, 2010, 01:34:07 pm TDT is dead.... it is down more than it is online... I wonder why? |