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Posted on: January 17, 2009, 04:50:22 am
Posted by: caskur™
From: LazarusUsa  (Original Message) Sent: 2/25/2006 9:36 AM

OK....I found my way out in about 45 minutes.  Anyone beat that?


From: LazarusUsa Sent: 3/16/2006 9:01 AM
OK....you want clues?  It's been awhile so I'll help out here.  I won't give you the last one, though.  (gotta do some work....right?)
How Do I get Out of "The Doors" Game Huh?

Main Hall:
- red card is in the bottom drawer of the chest
- letter piece can be seen stuck in the floorboards when you face the picture
- piece of the cube is on the side of the radiator -- it looks like a tetris piece
- also, note that if you click on the portrait, there is a safe behind it.

Living Room w/ fireplace:
- letter piece is in the pocket of the coat (lift the sleeve)
- cube piece #2 is on the radiator in this room too
- cube piece #3 is next to the phone
- cube piece #4 is in the fireplace
- purple card is under the couch cushions (make sure you facing the couch from an angle)

Drag the newly-formed cube into the holder by the door (the one that's in the same corner
as the coat) and proceed to ...

The Office:
- another letter piece is on the floor behind the chair
- a hospital intake sheet is in the bottom drawer of the file cabinet - note the time
the patiet was admitted
- the blue card is stuck inside a large pink book with heavier outlines
- the gray card is underneath the lamp in the corner
- drag the hour hand back to the time you noted on the medical form, and you've
got your key to the third room

The Bedroom: (wtf is with the gravity here?)
- pick up the picture and look very closely at the code on the bottom of it (SCAPE).
match that up with a telephone keypad and enter the resulting numbers into the safe.
- go back to the bedroom and get the card from under the pillow and the letter piece
from inside the nightstand
- the cube from the safe goes under the armoire, and you enter the next room through there.

From: LazarusUsa Sent: 3/27/2006 1:03 AM
OK Omni.......Guess you've suffered enough.  Don't sweat the final piece of paper.....this should take you out.
The Kitchen:
- the last card is on the empty shelves to your right
- If you close the open pantry door and click on the shelves behind it, you will find the
last cube, dissassembled.

Each symbol (on the doors and the cards) corresponds to a single room. Go back and take
notes of what rooms you end up in when you pass through a door with a symbol, and then
just arrange the cards in the order you were able to access the rooms Smiley

If you're REALLY a lazy bum, here it is:
0 - blue
1 - green
2 - orange
3 - red
4 - purple
5 - gray

Slide the cube home, and you're done.Smiley
Posted on: January 17, 2009, 04:45:24 am
Posted by: caskur™
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