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Topic Summary
Posted on: June 24, 2011, 08:36:58 am
Posted by: zerotolerance
Poor dopey Daz was called a "flake" by a poster at CO but is he really?

YOU'RE caling ME a flake?

Now I know you're a fuckin' flake  :POP:

Squeal on fatty.

Yep, he is a flake....his net addiction is at its most extreme. He hunts down women obsessing over the hidden bits.

Are they getting enough dick, if any?

Do they smell?

Are they clipped like a French poodle?

The man is a first class pervert. He is middle aged fat guy from the bleak moors in the UK… he drinks to excess and has a high sugar levels…

He is totally **** whipped and only likes you if you kiss his hairy arse… well that works for some I guess but caskur and strong women like her would rather kiss a gremlin on crack than a net addicted drongo like him…

In the meantime, enjoy your movies, TV’s, parks and gardens cuz reading his drivel will send you to sleep or die of boredom, whichever comes first.

And none of us want to die just yet.


LOL, I just now saw this...

Posted on: June 21, 2011, 06:43:59 pm
Posted by: caskur™
Poor dopey Daz was called a "flake" by a poster at CO but is he really?

YOU'RE caling ME a flake?

Now I know you're a fuckin' flake  :POP:

Squeal on fatty.

Yep, he is a flake....his net addiction is at its most extreme. He hunts down women obsessing over the hidden bits.

Are they getting enough dick, if any?

Do they smell?

Are they clipped like a French poodle?

The man is a first class pervert. He is middle aged fat guy from the bleak moors in the UK… he drinks to excess and has a high sugar levels…

He is totally **** whipped and only likes you if you kiss his hairy arse… well that works for some I guess but caskur and strong women like her would rather kiss a gremlin on crack than a net addicted drongo like him…

In the meantime, enjoy your movies, TV’s, parks and gardens cuz reading his drivel will send you to sleep or die of boredom, whichever comes first.

And none of us want to die just yet.

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