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Posted on: August 03, 2013, 04:55:39 pm
Posted by: zerotolerance
They're trained to serve the Commonwealth.

The Queen promised to serve England and the Commonwealth until she died.

At 87, she still works full time.

I think Americans probably don't know enough about them and perhaps think they live some type of story book life.

After I saw the King's Speech I delved into their own sites and was shocked to discover how much land they still control, and derive a living from, off the backs of others.  I am not saying they don't try to serve, as the elite here try to also.  I just believe it is arcane to keep living under the fantasy that someone was ordained by God to rule over others. 
Posted on: July 28, 2013, 02:36:13 pm
Posted by: caskur™
They're trained to serve the Commonwealth.

The Queen promised to serve England and the Commonwealth until she died.

At 87, she still works full time.

I think Americans probably don't know enough about them and perhaps think they live some type of story book life.
Posted on: July 28, 2013, 01:31:44 pm
Posted by: zerotolerance
The Queen has the power to sack governments.

hmm, that just affirms my view.  The notion that the family rules as a result of Divine appointment is so outlandish to me. 
Posted on: July 28, 2013, 01:23:15 pm
Posted by: caskur™
The Queen has the power to sack governments.
Posted on: July 28, 2013, 09:51:55 am
Posted by: zerotolerance
photobucket scamming for money.

Call back to view pictures, it appears photobucket has swallowed them this month!

I am so happy for the royal couple, but really, as an American, I don't know why the brits don't do away with the idea of royals. 
Posted on: July 26, 2013, 12:03:31 pm
Posted by: caskur
photobucket scamming for money.

Call back to view pictures, it appears photobucket has swallowed them this month!
Posted on: May 25, 2013, 11:05:36 pm
Posted by: zerotolerance
I wonder who has this link at their site because there has been more than 8,000 hits to it, nearly 9,000 in fact..

that is a lot!
Posted on: May 20, 2013, 01:10:58 pm
Posted by: caskur™
Your page comes up on Google Image search.

Cool.  Grin
Posted on: May 15, 2013, 01:45:10 pm
Posted by: john doe
Your page comes up on Google Image search.
Posted on: February 22, 2013, 03:47:01 pm
Posted by: caskur™
I wonder who has this link at their site because there has been more than 8,000 hits to it, nearly 9,000 in fact..
Posted on: May 05, 2011, 10:38:41 am
Posted by: caskur™
That profile photo of Harry and James Hewitt the gutter press uses is deceptive.  The only thing they have in common is red hair. Let me elaborate as a fine artist, I can pick up details like this easily enough.

Harry has the same eye set as his father… 1. Close set eyes, 2. both Harry and Charles have BLUE eyes Hewitt has BROWN eyes… 3. both Prince Charles and Prince Harry have protruding bones on the bridge of their nose… 4 James Hewitt is drop dead gorgeous and Harry and Charles are ordinary, at best.

Harry does look like his father Prince Charles and nothing like James Hewitt and I am personally tired of deceptive press….

If Harry was sired by the drop dead gorgeous polo player James Hewitt (and he wasn’t) then Harry would have had either brown eyes or green eyes and NOT blue eyes…

Now this matter should be put to rest.

Harry and Charles share the same bridge of nose, the same close set BLUE EYES, the same wingnut ears. The shape of Harry and Charles mouths are identical.
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