Posted on: February 19, 2011, 07:24:21 am
Posted by: caskur™
Evil Bogan Gets to star in his own show... on my Utube channel... the lucky Queer Steer fucker. binned my tube.... how rude... Now I will make another 100.  :LY:
Posted on: February 16, 2011, 01:49:03 pm
Posted by: TheJudge
It is entertaining to see Tyrunt and Sera the Drip at each others throats. They are both weak flamers and they are both highly exposed. This is definitely one of those exchanges where both will be losers.
Sera the Drip has shown how she is too serous about this stuff when she made a big deal about her 24 hours suspension here (which is apparently a theme of her's as she squealed "panel abuse" to Tycunt too). She needs to lighten up. Until she does, she makes herself an easy target (which is why someone like Tyrunt goes after her in that way...easy target).
Tyrunt is in much deeper trouble. She is extremely needy. She has very, very low self-esteem. She needs affirmation from Internet strangers that she is a worthy person. Can anyone say "Safety in the Pack"? That is exactly what Tyrunt depends on. She has joined a pack of insecure Internet forum junkies who give each other support. I noticed her weakness very soon after she started posting at CO. Her need for validation is well into the stages of desperation. TheProwler expertly attacked her insecurities in a way that her pack members wouldn't understand - which is why they left her to fend for herself against TheProwler. It was extremely satisfying when I saw her almost immediately get defensive and try to change the "fight" into a "popularity contest". It validated, early on, so much of my assessment of her and I have continued to see the same insecure behaviour from her to this day.
I am TheJudge. I am fair. I have ThePower.
Posted on: February 15, 2011, 03:22:15 pm
Posted by: caskur™
Nele Gambino T~D~T OOTITDT Global Moderator N00b Karma: +0/-0 Offline
Gender: Zimbabwe
Posts: 6
Re: T~D~T finally off of life-support? « Reply #14 on: February 12, 2011, 04:32:40 PM » Reply
Yes I do believe has seen it's final day..BUT,the Coalition is still alive and well..As long as we have someplace to hang our hats..Pogo and I both made backups of the PHP board but it was so jammed up with Joe Slime anti-hack code we haven't a clue how to get to the data..We have ALL been through a lot of posting venues in our time together..Alt.disgust,usenet,MSN,PHP..So-I shouldn't have to remind anybody just because a board is gone doesn't mean the people are..I thought about setting up a new PHP but I just don't have the time or the ambition for it anymore...I'll just let Mark Zuckernerd do all the work for us for the time being..He's gotta take care of somebody to earn the 30 billion of his..
~As for why the board went down,I heard a rumor SuperSpy Joe Haaz finally tracked Prowler down and killed him...That's not yet been confirmed though~
Posted on: February 15, 2011, 03:14:00 pm
Posted by: caskur™
 So this loopy **** sends me a PM asking if I want to join her in her mission to make Flametown more user friendly (or something to that effect)
I reply telling her I think she's a loser, a lifer & never to PM me again.
HAHA she replies giving me details of her real life & then ends the PM with "Post this PM. I want you to" (in so many words)
She's like one of those Stage 5 klingers. Don't ever make the mistake of saying "hi" to her or asking her how her days is...she'll take that as an invite to bog down your PM box & believe you are now BFF's.
**** goober. Stay the **** out of my PM box or I'll have your PM perks taken away from you for a couple of weeks. God what a **** little idiot you are. All that whine over one PM. Too afraid to post the responding PM to your whiny little comeback to my invitation, eh tycan't, er, I mean lying-lisa? G'head, I gave you permission. Show these folks exactly what you're made of, little-girl-takes-this-board-way-too-seriously. You were the only one to flame me in PM for trying to do something good for Flametown. What does THAT say.
If you don't post our little exchange, I will.
And **** off with your threats chump. You SO **** don't scare me. I told you in PM in response to your mini melty, that if you didn't want me to PM you back, do not PM me back. Period.
BTW, that is a fine example of the type of panel abuse that does NOT happen at C-O folks.
Posted on: January 25, 2011, 06:20:59 am
Posted by: caskur™
caskur Flame Update.   Alpo Un-Banned Things couldn’t be grimmer. Cosmic Outpost has welcomed back that pusillanimous slack-jawed cretin GAY-briel Gasbag. I couldn’t be more disappointed than if my cat got ran over and my house got washed away in a drought of dusty sand blowing in on an easterly wind. Vixen is back though and Wiser so life could become interesting.. Perhaps. Disappointed caskur~!
Posted on: January 20, 2011, 09:04:08 am
Posted by: caskur™
caskur Flame Update.   Alpo Banned
The latest news is good. Alpha Nova aka Damion Hellstrom, aka GAY-briel goon has been permanently banned at Cosmic Outpost. This serial pest has been spamming that fine establishment now for 2 yrs making a total jerk of himself.
Rumour has it that he lives in New Jersey near chemical waste dumps and due to severe lead poisoning, has now severe brain damage. The only problem with that is, most people doubt he had a brain to begin with let alone, a damaged one.
Not one of his troll buddies have come forward this time to defend his timely sacking. I believe secretly that they are relieved he isn’t there. No longer as people log in, do they find 25 last word posts with his yellow tights donned on.
Unemployedkernal is ecstatically happy he is no longer there and so am I. It would be a toss up who would be happier, me or him, that the tosspot known as Alpo is missing/banned.
Alpo doesn’t flame, he spams and spams until mustard is curdled. He writes like a befuddled banshee whenever a brainfart he has, escapes him. He stalks people and then proceeds to invent stories about them. He is like a very bad American sitcom or Day time soapie only its not all bubbles and detergent oozing from is type, its textual diarrhoea and its catchy. Everyone who comes into contact with the imbecile gets a touch of texto-gastroenteritis.
This guy believes in free speech, the bleats “libel” under the same manifesto fist fudging Fromage frais. He has a cheezy dick, without a doubt. He sits around all day typing or being crucified by his betters and then when beaten, rather than concede defeat like any other good sport, he acts like a dejected mangy dog. He crawls back in on his knees begging to be kicked again with his contrary “No YOU” posts, only his betters have a few other things going for them… They have jobs and lives off the net and rather than beat the masochistic moron’s head in over and over again, they completely forget the dunce’s existence. When they’re getting some rl ****, Alpo is playing matchmaker hooking me up with imaginary lovers on the net. Apparently my card is full. I am running around wild with every person who takes him piece by piece, apart, only Alpo is several pieces short in a 1,500 piece jigsaw puzzle himself.
Now fine readers, for your information, I do not know this man, have never met this man and will never meet this man and I use the term man, loosely. He is a Mister Potato-head, and Cabbage Patch doll accessory, a paperweight resembling a pet rock but this pet rock is better left with all the other mud scum at the bottom of a very, very deep pond. And maybe, just maybe, 1 million billion years from now, he’ll crawl out like a legless lizard with frilly gills and develop heat stroke.
kind caskur~!
Posted on: January 15, 2011, 05:00:44 am
Posted by: caskur™
caskur Flame Update.   I never thought it was possible but is there another troll even more hysterical and mentally unbalanced than Evil Blood the 3rd rate administrator of Brawl Hall?
He doesn’t like it when people criticise him… in fact, he falls to pieces in a complete heap of sardine smelling jelly, instantly someone smites the perfidious pommy punk. No, this twonk has an ego that is monumentally overblown beyond anything I have ever encountered. Of course, to real Aussies, we love characters with overblown egos but they’re the ones who can truly back up their crowing like for instance, Mohammad Ali in his hay day. He really did have a pretty face to match his KO punches and well and truly earned his bragging rights… No Evil Blood, the 3rd rate administrator of Brawl Hall is a crow, does a lot of crowing and is about as entertaining as a crowbar.
The poor dastardly crossbreed gypsy has been sulking like a 4 yr old window licker since my birthday. He thought I had time to entertain my offline non-stop day and night time guests, - catch up reading my e-mails - and post responses and whip up an entertaining scroll bomb to counteract his delusional rants on my fine self on Brawl Hall. His solution to his frustration was to bar me from the flamers hall at Brawl Hall, vowing I would never be allowed to post on it and yet gave himself permission to attack me where I could not respond…
So here is where I must apologize profusely to my other detractors who wrote me their inane blatherings, and schizo bleatings. One day, I may get back to them but for now, it's no posting at BH until someone, exciting and half way intelligent comes along who will entertain and thrill us….or Evil Blood, the third rate administrator at Brawl Hall is demodded…
Isn’t it strange that Serafina just happened to all of a sudden get busy and disappear from posting, almost? Mysterious and suspicious. Did that crossdressing slapper morph? Stay tuned.
Delightfully informing caskur~!