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Flame Damnation
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Topic Summary
Posted on: February 06, 2010, 05:03:36 am
Posted by: caskur™
Posted on: February 05, 2010, 07:05:17 am
Posted by: caskur™

Posted on: February 05, 2010, 12:35:46 am
Posted by: Flame Town Reporter
That place is back to being a boring bat-turd-hole. (No offence to the exciting people there, naturally).

Sezza the Super Tard is flying high on the fumes of her own faecal matter. Her latest picture is one where she looks like she is having her menstrual period and is in strong need of medication for pain relief.

Son of Satan is now stroking his limp salami over her picture claiming she is beautiful. Since he makes typing errors in virtually every single post he writes, there is a strong possibility he needs stronger glasses.

Posters who once kept the place alive have disappeared. Vixen and Icky. Caskur’s posts are down to a dribble. Ladr has jumped ship.

Flea masturbates to everything The Prowler writes and screams for his name to be changed. The urge to flirt with him is causing her to have feelings of e-adultery on the Silent Prowler and confuses her Taco sauce saturated brain matter.

The Gronk Identity chose to change his name after a clone tried to troll him by identity theft and remains the face of reason in a **** pit of inanity which CO has become.

The regular crew are steady posters and the Brawl Hall crew are virtually non-existent. They used the good sense to flee when they saw a ship or rather the tug boat begin to sink.

In summary, the place will die as their other forums have. Once the poisonous weed was sown in there, ie the administrators from other dead forums, the writing was on the wall.
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