Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 07:00:36 -0800
Subject: From Icky.. Gary you should read this.
Remember why Yahoo message board went down?
Well I am going to borrow that legal playbook from that and apply it against CO.
Now at 1 pm I am meeting with the attorney, first thing is going to be an injunction and restraining order put against you and CO. If that account is still online... at 1 pm.
I will have the court force the issue. If this is the position you want to find yourself in.
Ok now you know who I am LOL.... then you probably realize I have the wherewithal to pursue this. The question is do you have the money to fight it? You I am going to file here.... my home turf. Where I am, in other words you are going to have to come here to fight it.
There are what? 100,000 posts ( I think many more) on CO and during the discovery phase, it will be requested that each and everyone of them be made available. The paper and ink bill in itself is going to be pricey... at what point will you be able not to afford that attorney $25,000? $50,000? $75,000? more? while he reads all these posts and simply familiarizes himself with the case and simply prepares a response? Not to mention admin logs.... months of them... and you do realize how tough and time consuming it will be to explain all this to a lawyer and later the court.
Later I can pretty much guarantee every single post every single admin entry will come into question and need a reply from your attorney.... this could take a very long time and cost even more money.
This will be filed and take place here... so you or your attorney is going to have to travel here while requests are made, lots of requests are made from the court... this in itself will get costly.
For being the plaintiff all I have to do is have my attorney simply ask questions and sit back and wait on a reply... not nearly as costly as what it will take for the reply.
Secondly since CBB forums/Cosmicoutpost is not incorporated, (like yahoo was) that means I will be actively exploring the option of "your management" (admin) team be personally enjoined to this action. This means they will have to do the same thing as you, prepare a defense this in itself will be pretty costly for them personally. You may want to post this on the admin board for them to read... and give them the option to get out before this starts.
This my friend is why it is probably in your best interest to delete the account, before you start having to hemmorage cash alot of cash...You see where I am going with this? Its not about winning a case... which will be simple enough to do. Its about economics and how much will it take to get either a collapse of CO or a default judgment?
The thing is... it was simple enough to delete the account and be done with this... well this is what is going to happen now @ 1 pm CST today, its your call and if that account is deleted then I have nothing to stand on... as it stands now those alterations you imbeceles made... fell right where I needed them to fall, you doing the same exact thing I am being accused of. That one is gonna be kinda tough to explain LOL
I have CC'ed this to oddzy so she can make sure that all the mods and global mods have the option to get out before this hits. Because quiet frankly I do not know what the attorney will be suggesting and they have done nothing to be involved in this.... but they are part of the "CO management".