Tuco Benedicto Pacifico
Posts: 17
The Ugly
« on: August 04, 2008, 09:08:07 pm » |
What a coincidence that the most activity this trash pile has seen was today shortly after I started posting hmmm? Not that it says much about me as it does about what a dump this place is. You all blowing each other daily and trying to troll people here with your tribute threads couldn't muster the activity that a couple of posters who saw your link at Chimpos brought to you. What does that say about you all? Bwah haha hahah!
Oh well accept that as my little gift to you as I head straight for the detoxification showers.
Its been nice visiting the other side of tracks by the toxic landfill but there is nothing happening here so I must leave. Enjoy your journey through obscurity as you struggle to obtain acceptance from others and keep failing while your neglected families wonder what you talk about all day on the net.
Damion Hellstrom
What a coincidence that the most activity this trash pile has seen was today shortly after I started posting hmmm? Not that it says much about me as it does about what a dump this place is. You all blowing each other daily and trying to troll people here with your tribute threads couldn't muster the activity that a couple of posters who saw your link at Chimpos brought to you. What does that say about you all? Bwah haha hahah!
Oh well accept that as my little gift to you as I head straight for the detoxification showers.
Its been nice visiting the other side of tracks by the toxic landfill but there is nothing happening here so I must leave. Enjoy your journey through obscurity as you struggle to obtain acceptance from others and keep failing while your neglected families wonder what you talk about all day on the net.
Thank you for trolling us. So nice of you to stop by and defend a forum you say you're not a member of. Free advice: come up with a unique story next time, eh?
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
What a coincidence that the most activity this trash pile has seen was today shortly after I started posting hmmm? Not that it says much about me as it does about what a dump this place is. You all blowing each other daily and trying to troll people here with your tribute threads couldn't muster the activity that a couple of posters who saw your link at Chimpos brought to you. What does that say about you all? Bwah haha hahah!
Oh well accept that as my little gift to you as I head straight for the detoxification showers.
Its been nice visiting the other side of tracks by the toxic landfill but there is nothing happening here so I must leave. Enjoy your journey through obscurity as you struggle to obtain acceptance from others and keep failing while your neglected families wonder what you talk about all day on the net.
Thank you for trolling us. So nice of you to stop by and defend a forum you say you're not a member of. Free advice: come up with a unique story next time, eh? lol,
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
he must be going off to play poker but my guess is, he'd rather stay here... 
Damion Hellstrom
Incidentally, 12 of those people online were regular members here. None of them alts, unlike Fume Clumps.
9 were guests, and many of then AOL IPs. With AOL each time the user refreshes they get a new IP. Many of those AOL IPs were probably Green Hornet's, switching around from his various posts.
Hence, the traffic draw was mostly from regular members and not due to Tuco's presence here.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
off topic here....
Morgan Freeman was involved in a terrible accident....
he has a broken arm and various other broken bones....
it was a car accident.
The Green Hornet
I guess he might not be able to do the Dark Knight sequel, then.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
I guess he might not be able to do the Dark Knight sequel, then.
I think I heard them say on the news that he is 71 so he'll take awhile to heal....poor man...he is so dearly loved in Australia....
I hope he gets well quickly.....I hope he going to be OK....time will tell.
With the aged....you don't mess around.....who knows what the shock did to his heart.....or blood clots form causing a stroke a few months later....this isn't good....where I come from abos bash and rob the elderly, the cowardly phucks and sometimes they die 2 weeks later from the reasons I've just stated.
FlameChamps is a joke........Gotta love it that the few members they have have to post night and day to bump up traffic 
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
FlameChamps is a joke........Gotta love it that the few members they have have to post night and day to bump up traffic  Their intellectual snobbery gets dull.
They can’t tell the difference between a joke and something real.
VC runs the show and the admins are **** whipped.
they won't show here because they won't have any advantage, or any chance against me 
Posts: 12
The vision must not die.
That lame **** wouldn't know how to spell intellect. VC runs the show and the admins are **** whipped.
VC has always been a retarded ****, a kick in the clit and she would drop like a bag of ****.
Mine is a different path and I must follow where it leads.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
That lame **** wouldn't know how to spell intellect. VC runs the show and the admins are **** whipped.
VC has always been a retarded ****, a kick in the clit and she would drop like a bag of ****. Still stealing my lines I see. 
Posts: 12
The vision must not die.
****, puh-leeze... would that make it any less true??
Mine is a different path and I must follow where it leads.
Swing Voter
Hero Member
Posts: 11001
Tortured Artist
****, puh-leeze... would that make it any less true??
So you don't like Corningstone now?