These were the same reporters who had a "hand off" approach to Obama in regards to anything negative concerning him while at the same time researched Palin constantly in order to find out things they could publicize.
Yes, I have seen that complained about too, by Palin...
good for her. They assassinated her.
The media control the country....America AND Australia AND the UK for that matter.
I'm going to be kicking them in the guts as much as I can....I'm on a mission....
from god... 
No you're not. I handel his books and there's clearly no mission schedualed for you. There ~is~ an interesting reference to a certain fling in 2011 that has some strange concequences for you. Nothing bad mind you, just strange.
Lets see ....................................... DAMN ................................ I had no idea you were "into" that sort of thing.
To each his own I suppose.