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American Press are Nothing more than a Bunch of Tossers

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Author Topic: American Press are Nothing more than a Bunch of Tossers  (Read 1426 times)
Damion Hellstrom
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2009, 05:37:51 am »
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Oh really?  Let's see...

The stuff about Rev Wright and Obama's connection to him was pretty much originally ignored, then brushed aside...

And yet, you know about it. Where did you get such information? Maybe you are a private investigator and obtained the information yourself? Well now that can't be it as I know all about Obamas connection to reverand Wright also. Hmmmmm. How is it we both know about this connection?

I wonder.

We know because talk radio were the ones who brought it to light..after it was ignored by the mainstream media for months.  People like Sean Hannity were talking about it for months before the mainstream media decided to actually mention it.  And when they did, it was an off hand thing.

Obama's connection with the ACORN group also ignored then brushed off

And yet again you know about Obamas connection with ACORN. An organization that many politicians have supported. An organization that works to get people registered to vote. And organization the John McCain also supported. What some of the people hired by ACORN did to make extra cash screwed ACORN and no one else.

ACORN was never actually covered by the mainstream media...again, talk radio covered it as well as several other non-mainstream outlets.  Obama has his webpages changed several times to change his story about his actual involvement with ACORN.

In fact, just about everything negative concerning Obama was ignored by the mainstream media.

And yet, you know about these things. And I'll assume you know about these things becasue the Media brought you the information. I know that's how I know about these things. Maybe you ignore the media and get your information through right wing blogs, U-tube and other offbeat sources. But, the Media did infact report on these issues and if you search "The google" you'll see these issues were indeed reported on.

Read my previous comments...about the "mainstream" media.

While everything about Palin was given front page press.

The stories you brought forth were also "Front page press" when the story's broke. The "problem" being they really went nowhere. It seems to me your problem wasn't that the media didn't report on these stories but that the media didn't report on them to your liking.

No, the problem is that the mainstream media..note I said mainstream...reported on Palin extensively and ignored Obama's various goofs and gaffs until outlets like talk radio hammered away on them..and even when they did report them, it was basically downplayed.

Did anyone on SNL regularly lampoon Obama?


Were things said by a TV comedian pretending to be Obama get reported as if they were said by Obama like they were with Palin?

But don't you see? Thats what was so funny about Tina Feys spoof of Palin. Much of what she said while pretending to be Palin was exactly what Palin had actually said in interveiws and the debate.

Not really...Palin never said that she could see Russia from her window..Fey said that and the media acted like Palin did. 

Palin is a joke and most of us laughed at her and the republican party for being foolish enough to choose her.

Obama mistakenly thought the USA had 57 states...that's quite a mistake.  Even a grade schooler knows how many states there are.  Strange that SNL didn't have someone imitating Obama in that regard, isn't it?

There was plenty of material about Obama..the mainstream media chose to ignore it as much as they could.
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