I may have related the time I went to Oodnadatta, east of Coober Pedy on the Oodnadatta Track.
Three weatherboard homes had been trashed to the extent that you could see right through walls/frame of the house to the back fence. The next three blocks had 3 concrete slabs, metal frames and stacks of bricks and tiles waiting.
The land has no real value, but such an isolated building site has the cost at about $350,000 EACH!
Guess who pays for that, and i will bet a zillion dollars they are the same as your examples by now also.
My husband’s father who came to Australia on a program to build kit homes for state housing back in the early fifties, worked as a carpenter for Jaxon & Watson Constructions in the late 1960’s and used to have to go and refit houses because the abos used to rip the floorboards and architraves up, to burn..
The house I have showed in my street is only one of many beautifully crafted homes made for boongs only to be trashed within a year. There is one in the next street that was so beautifully crafted, land scaped with a fabulous iron fence, now completely trashed and the iron fence GONE. There was actually a murder at that house too.
Actually, spending a 1 billion on keeping them in the outback couldn’t be a better solution….the other alternative is to bring them to the city…YIKES.
I personally would find an island somewhere away from the rest of the planet and stick them on it…I kid you not.
**** abos are exactly as Buzz describes them and it is about time people started telling it as it really is.
The family I have written about DID have a new car and within 1 month…EVERY single panel was kicked in. The kids were given brand new bikes and the first day they had punctured the tyres and were making swings with the tubes. What my pictures didn’t show were the bathroom that had chipped tiles and the shower head was missing….I mean, ffs, why did a shower head get destroyed….who the hell destroys a shower head?
Are there respectable normal hard working aborigines…of course there are and I know them too. They’re the ones that tell my Taxi driver uncle NOT to bring any abos around to their house.
When that family moved in across road, I balled my eyes out for a week, I'm not ashamed to say and I rang Alan Carpenter [my member and Premier of the State at the time] and cried on his shoulder so our situation was monitored.
Ten minutes before they moved in…
After they left

Today, Portuguese live there

How about houseOcide?