People have been painting and drawing from the year hands were created 6,000 yrs ago. You can draw with anything that makes a mark. It can be a representational piece or a non-representational piece.
“The history of photography commenced with the invention and development of the camera and the creation of permanent images starting with Thomas Wedgwood in 1790 and culminating in the work of the French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1826.” according to Wikipedia so it’s been around for a couple hundred years.
Formerly, artists had apprentices they taught. They learned from copying each other like babes copy parents… It’s not some grand revelation. Everyone can draw without being an artist‘s apprentice. Some better than others but they can draw. Before cameras MOST of mankind were illiterate and pictures were how people communicated. Public pictures were pretty much consigned to churches where religious stories brought the bible to life for the masses.
Now we have a new improved media… THE PC.
The very first time I ever attempted to draw in ms paint with a mouse I was ESTATIC because it made me draw like a 3 or 4 year old again. I still have those drawings and printed them out. Every REAL artist KNOWS that drawings from children are completely FREE loaded with personal expression before the world warps their precious little minds. Every adult artist yearns to be childlike again. A true artist paints with their minds eye and this is where your real personal expression manifests
Photorealism is a skill artists took up to manually do what a camera can do in micro seconds and the usual tool is spray paint gun. If photorealism is what you’re looking for, fine and dandy… But artists make pictures not photographs. There’s a difference! Artists will use ANYTHING to create a desired effect. ANYTHING. I’ve seen one woman use only different shades of paper bark glued on a canvas to make stunning landscapes selling them for hundreds back in the early 80 to American tourists. If the paper bark didn’t have the right shade, she’d cook it in an oven.
I’m doing work with digital equipment and printed on canvas. I don’t care if you approve or not. I do what I want, when I want and will leave a very large body of work behind when I die!… end of!
This is a bark painting we have…. Not to be confused with the bark painting I just wrote about!