(11:28:47) cardtrick: and the pics she keeps posting of herself are worse and worse.
(11:28:53) THE_BRA1N: But she seems to relish it
(11:29:04) cardtrick: definitely mental problems there.
(11:30:31) THE_BRA1N: I dont think that she is an inherently BAD person but yeah lots of mental problems there
(11:31:08) cardtrick: her first instinct is to post PI when cornered -- but it's her own PI. And, it's never good, like "my sister won a vacation". It's all sympathy-garnering sob stories.
(11:31:55) THE_BRA1N: That's what "VC" always tells me
(11:32:07) cardtrick: She's an inherently bad poster, that much is plain.
(11:32:18) caskur: :confused
(11:32:35) cardtrick: see? Inherently bad.
(11:32:47) THE_BRA1N: lol
(11:33:29) THE_BRA1N: You should have been here earlier when White Rabbit and I were talking about tards and forums
(11:33:36) caskur: why do you pretend that you like me Bra1n? then bullshit and diss me publicly?
(11:33:47) caskur: that is a tad two faced isn't it?
(11:34:32) cardtrick: he disses me publicly. He's frisky like dat.
(11:34:41) caskur: what makes you think you're better than abusive deano?
(11:34:48) THE_BRA1N: You think that because I dont dislike you that means that I shouldnt "diss" you?

(11:35:02) cardtrick: wow. You're insane, Caskur.
(11:35:18) caskur: I think you spreading lies about me is very bad
(11:35:24) cardtrick: are you crying now, fatty?
(11:35:38) caskur: in other words, you're like Deano without the punches
(11:35:54) THE_BRA1N: I diss everyone and lately no one more than Vix. Dont sound like such a fragile twat.
(11:36:01) caskur: I just got this in my PM box
(11:36:02) cardtrick: what lies? You're ugly, mentally unstable and a forum plague. Them not lies
(11:36:07) The only thing I will say about it and this stays between you and me is fear. He threatened to kill her. And when I tried standing up to him as a 12 year old got the crap beat out of me and was told if I did it again he would **** her with a broom stick. I am not minimizing what has been done to me I know it was bad and thats just the tip of the iceberg. However I do not wish to share it with other people.
(11:36:33) cardtrick: holy crap, she has to be committed. Do they do that in Aus?
(11:37:36) caskur: he beat a kid up who tried to protect his mother
(11:37:42) cardtrick: boy are you dumb
(11:37:47) caskur: he has to be stopped
(11:37:58) cardtrick: who the **** cares
(11:37:59) THE_BRA1N: WHy do you keep harping on that **** here?

(11:38:03) caskur: I **** will NOT tolerate a kid being beat up
(11:38:13) caskur: spank, yes... beat up, no
(11:38:27) cardtrick: you're deflecting, Fatty
(11:38:31) THE_BRA1N: That idiot doesnt post here and Im willing to bet no one even knows who he is here
(11:38:38) caskur: why do you keep harping on the **** you do?
(11:38:56) THE_BRA1N: Such as?
(11:39:27) THE_BRA1N: cue Jeopardy music
(11:39:31) caskur: answer my qurstion from before and don't answer it with a question... you're sidestepping
(11:39:45) cardtrick: Tonight's topic is your low intellect and your unattrative persona. Don't go dragging children into your own whirlpool of failure.
(11:40:14) caskur: why do you pretend that you like me Bra1n? then bullshit and diss me publicly?
(11:40:28) caskur: tear me down
(11:40:36) THE_BRA1N: Scroll up, i answered that
(11:40:43) caskur: then you complain about me being negative
(11:40:54) caskur: when all you write about me is negative
(11:41:12) THE_BRA1N: If it will make you feel better than pretend that i hate you like everyone else does
(11:41:37) cardtrick: you are negative. You're a blight, a disease that should be expunged immediately/
(11:41:57) cardtrick: and, you don't look very attractive.
(11:42:21) cardtrick: and you have mental issues.
(11:42:21) caskur: someone should axe cardie straight between the eyes with a tommyhawk
(11:42:21) THE_BRA1N: I slap you around because even in my eyes sometimes you deserve; everyone else thinks you deserve it ALL THE TIME
(11:42:51) caskur: No you won't because I won't stay
(11:43:27) cardtrick: and plus, you're never funny, a prerequisite of forum habitation.
(11:43:29) THE_BRA1N: Ive been hearing that from you since 2008. You realize that, right?
(11:43:51) caskur: and I have left a few times
(11:44:06) cardtrick: quit sobbing you lightweight.
(11:44:14) THE_BRA1N: To get some sleep at times, yes
(11:44:18) caskur: I had zero intention of ever returning here but that other pissant convinced me to comeback
(11:44:32) caskur: that was a mistake I should not have made
(11:44:56) THE_BRA1N: Oh stop your whining, if you want to leave than GTFO
(11:45:23) THE_BRA1N: No one here is going to shed any tear, including me
(11:45:49) THE_BRA1N: Dont make it out like a soap opera
(11:46:16) cardtrick: no one convinced you to return.
(11:46:34) THE_BRA1N: The little voice inside her head did
(11:46:50) cardtrick: be a man and take responsibility, you moron.
(11:47:08) cardtrick: and quit crying
(11:47:26) caskur: Is that you last word on it?
(11:47:40) cardtrick: no. I have many more.
(11:47:55) caskur: I am not talking to you tardo
(11:47:56) cardtrick: BOO!!
(11:48:06) cardtrick: hehe She flinched
(11:48:19) THE_BRA1N: I do too as long as youre around acting like a stooge
(11:48:45) THE_BRA1N: You make yourself out to be a target
(11:48:58) cardtrick: yeah, what satisfaction do you get being a dumb stooge?
(11:49:22) THE_BRA1N: Thats why no one likes you or respects what you have to say
(11:49:26) caskur: OK then... it was an interesting and brief association.... I will cherish the memories of when you were semi-human and wish you a nice life then.
(11:49:35) cardtrick: I enjoy being a champion, to be sure, but I always wondered sabout you losers.
(11:50:04) cardtrick: what do you get out of being the all-time loser?
(11:50:32) cardtrick: throwing your PI out there like rice at a wedding...
(11:50:39) THE_BRA1N: Oh.. another episode of Two Stangers Part On The Net
(11:50:57) cardtrick: and, Tina fey is on Dave...BBL
(11:52:23) THE_BRA1N: the melodrama isnt working
(11:55:09) THE_BRA1N: A couple of weeks ago you were filling up my PM box asking me to delete your account, etc... and here you still are.. with more dramtic drivel about leaving and not coming back. LOL
(11:55:51) THE_BRA1N: As if that has any effect on me or anyone else
(11:56:54) THE_BRA1N: "The most hated poster on TRF is leaving? NOO WE CANT HAVE THAT!" :rotfl
(11:58:36) THE_BRA1N: Let that be a lesson about leverage - you have none. Unlike someone like say, WHite Rabbit whom others thoroughly enjoy reading