Cascurry... if the subject bores you then why respond by being negative inkind...that my friend doesn't illiciit anything but a darkside to your nature.
Easier to bury your head in the sands towards the greatset threat to the Australian way of life that could possibly be, than accept climate change is going create havoc for all Australians.
This is only the begining....and for some oh its boring..lets move on and forget about it, it will all be better tommorrow....!!...incedible, Abbotts has done a good job on the gullible.
I have a scientific journalist in my pocket... she is an Aussie girl now living in San Francisco, she left to go back two days ago.... she has worked in science for the UK government, has been in the a former inner circle Labor Premieres office in my state and her husband is a working UK jounalist in the USA working as a journalist....
having said all that, she also thinks climate change is a natural occurrence… her mother, father (deceased) are/were scientists AND so are her younger sisters.. Just because YOU think it is all manmade, doesn’t make it so….not all scientists think it is either.
You think you can control the weather? No one can…what is more, MOST people also know its all frogshit about global warming being caused by mankind…the laymen and the scientists…
I personally am leaving a low carbon footprint on the planet, to the best of my ability… I built an eco friendly house, I have eco friendly cars…. I recycle… I do the best of my ability within my limited knowledge and in the spirit of saving as much money as I can…. In other words, I am not wasteful, or an impulse buyer and I think green before I do anything… and the majority of people I know do the same.. The ones that don’t, don’t even rate a blimp on the eternity scales grand scheme….
It’s bad enough listening to the end of the world on news items, doco’s, churches, the net without having YOU continually pump this board with the same rhetoric as that reject buzz did with real estate bubbles, stock crashes, and pig flu viruses…
Who cares? You cannot even control the plastic crap they put in the oceans…..
The greatest threat to the Australian way of life is introducing a multicultural society at a more alarming rate than Aussies are breeding… and Aussies aren’t breeding… the blow-ins are…
The immigrants DO NOT LOVE AUSTRALIA… THEY DO NOT LOVE THE ANIMALS…. They have murdered their own wildlife to extinction in their own countries and they’re going to murder ours to extinction as well. Their motto is, if it moves and its free, eat it. Australia needed immigrants like a dog needed tape worm carrying fleas…. And the politicians and lawyers in this country will help to quicken our complete destruction and they‘re the tapeworm in the fleas….
Then the big movers will waltz right in and start mining the yellow cake and other minerals….you and I will be dead and the young ones will be slaves learning to either speak Chinese, or Indian.
I actually agree with your whole point casker. I've been saying this for a while. There's no **** global warming. Only weather going in natural cycles.