The first picture is one of the “Surgeons quarters” a stately home for the time, and used in 1993-95 by TAFE college as the administration building and the bottom floor for drawing and upstairs for Art theory and Visual Literacy….it was bloody awesome to go to college there… and use the workshops of the actual prison for painting and various other activities related to that…

To left of that is main entrance which is what you see in tourist brochures and the net…

Through these big locked doors were the prison’s work shops… from memory about 5 large areas.. I couldn’t get inside them to take photos… we used to have pay for parking too which was a drag. … at the time is was about $1.20 for 3 hours and if didn’t pay, you got fined $50.00… I never got caught not paying but my cousin who also attended got busted a couple of times…lol

When you turn around in that spot, you get a view of Fremantle town centre… note the Prison is high up on a very steep hill.

This is a close-up of the entrance..

And this is driving out…..on the south side of the prison.