What Gronk is ignoring is the fact that caskur introduced PI flaming into this forum and has never once refrained from bringing various people's family members into her arguments/flames.
Typical of ****-stain of Satan to twist the truth and re-write history. Fleadung and Spazza were the first to use the old PI….Flea dropped an old post with my name in it and the name of my other family members along with untruthful paedophile allegations….That is actually not only against TOS, it is also against the law in most countries to falsely spread slander around. She has only been doing that for 3 years now…..I believe she did a similar or similar actions to everyone at msn including pogo who bleated “duress” with his own retaliatory actions against her.
I also somehow suspect that if someone's loved one died caskur would not hesitate for a second to flame that relative and their survivor, using the excuse that "they did it first".
You’re suspicions are your own imaginings and have no base whatsoever in reality. I consider it extremely unlucky to taunt people for the death of spouses, children or relatives. However since you've done that yourself with your Manhunter nickname, I consider you a complete sociopath.
Gronk is pretending to take the high road while basically enabling caskur to continue to attack people's loved ones.
He takes the high road most likely because he has shown he deserves to track it. You don’t but you try to. The reason you cannot take a walk on the high road is for the reason that you’re a slug. Your purpose is to eat algae otherwise referred to as slime. A slime eating slug, that is you.
I have yet to see caskur express any kind of restraint at all when she posts on message forums.
You’re not likely to either…I no longer have compassion for you and your ilk. You will get exactly the same as you put out….A mirror will be put up on every occasion possible and the only regret I have is I didn’t do that years ago…but I was taught to be slow to anger, revenge is better served cold and all that other good philosophical harangue.
In short, I don't buy Gronk's "concern" over this issue.
What you don’t buy is the fact you claim to think like him when in fact you’re actually a fraud yourself. You’ve run off every forum you’ve ever posted on….they ran you out of Asylum Nation and Flame Champs and you cowered in your little non-flame groups for over a year. You were too chicken **** to sign up at TDT and only recently grew some knackers and signed up there.
Personally speaking I wouldn't mind the admins banning any kind of flaming directed at people's kids. But I think it has to be uniform...not just limited to what benefits caskur.
No kids post here and parents misbehaviour is fair game. Fleadung was flamed at msn after she harassed a UK dude called ikklestevie inciting him to suicide (which she still does to posters). He lashed out telling her to drown herself and her new child….in two very short posts that she used across the net to get attention from people for 2 yrs….some bought it, most didn’t but what she got from it was the attention she craved and certain men to play “Captain Save-a-Ho” for her. Its her stock flame as most people aren’t insane like she is and give a damn for other people’s feelings.
At Obnoxious People’s Countryclub, in the last month, she was served back EXACTLY the filth she spiels by certain members and tried to get DeepNu to side with her and he wasn’t having any of it nor falling for it….he was laughing his arse off.
Now she is on auto-repeat of the msn soap opera here to. YAWN….6 yrs of Beano Ballbreaker is 6 yrs too much.
People have complained this is all very unentertaining to them….I agree. I also think that if people want this kind of entertainment, they should mossie on over to TDT and keep the wetback wop there where the standard flame is to be called a kike and/or paedophile slash kiddie diddler if you dare to actually flame any of them or worse, try to defend yourself…still, I am probably being too hard, there must be crowds and crowds of people just waiting to have a TDT experience….